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PATCHES ACU Patch - 10 New Leagues (Czech,Croatia,Brazil,Greece,Qatar,Ukraine,Russia,UAE,Serbia,Polish 1st division)


@Kvbx will post right here on SoccerGaming any news related to the Mod.
thank you! as @chuny said.. the mod is a passion project of mine! which is now closer to release.. I have made great progress and we are in the final couple of stages about 2/3 finished... Huge update post coming soon with a Trailer of the mod.. thank you!
Hello everyone, is the patch ready?

Where will he be found? and could you add me to Discord Thanks
I have been following the progress for a while and rn it looks promising. I hope to be able to play/use the mod in Jan/Feb 2025, because I would be very much interested to use the mod to do CM videos in YT and just use it for fun. Let's hope for the best and good luck!


Club Supporter
it is surely not possible add so many leagues without replace. The compdata has limit and u will surely reach it.

Many people are very confident adding leagues when they learned some coding in compdata. But when they are deep into it, they will find there are lots of limitations in compdata. the reality is cruel
I have been following the progress for a while and rn it looks promising. I hope to be able to play/use the mod in Jan/Feb 2025, because I would be very much interested to use the mod to do CM videos in YT and just use it for fun. Let's hope for the best and good luck!
Thank you, im currently adding everything into the game and putting the mod togtherer.. i will post an update here when the mod is as at a presentable stage.. Im sure it will be worth the wait
it is surely not possible add so many leagues without replace. The compdata has limit and u will surely reach it.

Many people are very confident adding leagues when they learned some coding in compdata. But when they are deep into it, they will find there are lots of limitations in compdata. the reality is cruel
It is possible womens competitions have been completely removed from compdata and indian league has been replaced.. I am adding to the limit of the compdata..
You are correct, but it would be naive to make such a mod for the compdata not to work after.. For example TLP patch last year had the same number of added leagues with one replacement and similar compdata structure..
Do you have any idea when the mod will be released?
It depends how fast we can do player appearances. I want the players to look very similar to real life.. I could release the mod before the end of the year but it wouldnt be complete.. therefore im going to take a few extra weeks to polish up the details