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A few bugs:



-There is no final whistle after 120 min. play.
-Players with red card are taking a penalty
after 120 min. draw.
-Players with red card are playing in
the next game.
-The ball is going through the net.


The ball thruogh the net is not fixed.It's not always but it's there.

[ 07-15-2001: Message edited by: Bushemy ]
i think overall the game is quite good. But i still hoped they will have internet gaming in future footie games.


Club Supporter
i came across players thru the net!Audio is poorly done,crowd excite sounded like analog synthesizer noise and overall recording ambient is too far compare to fifa2001,some stadium-managers and reserve, sit on a chair with no cover,slow respond to all the key button.gameplay - good,have u all try winning eleven 2001?-fantastic.
I love winning eleven and iss series too. But they are not on pc, and too little teams.

Try this:
Tell yourself not to play uefa challenge like you were playing winning eleven or iss or fifa.
Take some time to do so and you will find uefa challenge is not really bad.

P.s. i love virtual striker 3.