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5.0.3 Patch details (to be released 2nd march)


Youth Team
Originally posted by NIDOKING
If Argentinian DB will be the same, or worse, sh¡t that SI release on FM2005 due to a stupid, useless and arrogant researcher, I'll consider the update a joke, I don't know why an important country as Argentina (talking about football, of course, then we're .... Argentinians (H) ) has such a bad researcher, who only knows about River, Boca, hates Interior (oh, why all teams of Third Division Interior Zone has NO players :rolleyes: ) and is a HANDBALL journalist :kader:

I worked many time correcting my DB to have a respectable argentinian DB, and I don't want to lose it (a pity I didn't found a place to host it :( )

I really recommend you go to the SI data issues forum, and post EVERY little detail you think is wrong in a thread (not sure if theres already and Argentinian thread). Theres a chance they might ask if you want to help for FM 2006. If not they can at least fix any issues you have for FM 2006 (that aren't opinions, something like someone passing should be 1 point higher is hardly a problem) They can always do with more help.


That Nice Guy
yeah but you're crap at FM nick, so discount anything nick says :( :(

Actually i do hear nick has improved :(:(



That Nice Guy
yeah, i regret to inform everyone that from what he has told me, nick HAS got better at FM :(:(



Fan Favourite
dude :| i was 2-0 up in my 3rd match, thinking ' back to winning ways'. Flick it back up......5-3 down......at half time :|

EDIT: 3rd loss in a row :(


That Nice Guy
"flick it back up" ive said it before, and ill say it again; always watch your matches. You might find out some interesting things about your tactic that you didnt know :)



Fan Favourite
Patch's working fine for me but I have to say I haven't played a match since the patch was installed... :p

Well atleast the editor works well :)


Starting XI
Ok guys i have a porblem, this installer tells me that FM is not installed.

I dont have it in the normal drive C but in another drive becaue my comp has 2 drives so i installed in a totally differnet folder, do your guys think this is the problem?


Everyone's Favourite Diabetic
Originally posted by Socrates
Ok guys i have a porblem, this installer tells me that FM is not installed.

I dont have it in the normal drive C but in another drive becaue my comp has 2 drives so i installed in a totally differnet folder, do your guys think this is the problem?

my FM is installed on Drive K: and it worked fine :)

i've heard of errors like this before and they were due to the game being a downloaded pirate copy... which i'm sure is not the case here ;)


Starting XI
Originally posted by Dazmania
my FM is installed on Drive K: and it worked fine :)

i've heard of errors like this before and they were due to the game being a downloaded pirate copy... which i'm sure is not the case here ;)

Its not pirated. I have the other patch installed already 5.0.2 its just that i cant install this one?:confused:

Meh whatever i like my game the way it is anyways:D


Youth Team
anyone nows if solve the problem to choose numbers in portuguese league?
in the 5 and 5.02 version whe only can choose nunbers between 1 and 26 e canot choose the number 30 per example for a player.
thanks and sorry my english


Fan Favourite
This patch is utter shiite :kader:

Loads and loads of bugs every match atleast two people get injured...Aachen has a stadium with a retractable roof and all together it runs slower
