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2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil PC Conversion Patch Thread


Senior Squad
willams9991;3658650 said:
Here is my starting contrituição @RobbieD_PL the patch, all 12 stadiums of the FIFA WORLD CUP 2014 will be converted by me, the first is ready.

Arena São Paulo (Arena Corinthians) (ID 269)

Converted from FIFA WORLD CUP 2014 PS3 version.


Nice, Williams are you guys trying to add the qualifiers? I noticed in your thread you said you were "Keeping it simple" so wasn't sure if you were doing just the finals.


Youth Team
jschuck12001;3658662 said:
Nice, Williams are you guys trying to add the qualifiers? I noticed in your thread you said you were "Keeping it simple" so wasn't sure if you were doing just the finals.

I'm trying to convert compdata, PS3 to PC, but I noticed that some commands are invalid, the new tables, perhaps you need someone to decrypt FootballCompEngzf.sprx perhaps will work all the tables and settings perfectly, I'm ending to convert db to verify compdata.

Any advance here to inform you.


Senior Squad
willams9991;3658672 said:
I'm trying to convert compdata, PS3 to PC, but I noticed that some commands are invalid, the new tables, perhaps you need someone to decrypt FootballCompEngzf.sprx perhaps will work all the tables and settings perfectly, I'm ending to convert db to verify compdata.

Any advance here to inform you.

I thought the same thing, the Xbox FootballCompEngzf is already in dll form so
I tried it with default FIFA and it crashes when entering tournament or career mode so its either decrypted or not usable.

You will notice the PS3 has many more of those FootballCompEngzf files than the Xbox version.

Also have the issue of the 2 new compdata tables in the WC game that aren't used in the pc version.


Youth Team
jschuck12001;3658687 said:
I thought the same thing, the Xbox FootballCompEngzf is already in dll form so
I tried it with default FIFA and it crashes when entering tournament or career mode so its either decrypted or not usable.

You will notice the PS3 has many more of those FootballCompEngzf files than the Xbox version.

Also have the issue of the 2 new compdata tables in the WC game that aren't used in the pc version.

perhaps the only option really is to adapt the tables compdata.

I find it hard to compdata FWC, work in career mode, but we will try


Senior Squad
willams9991;3658692 said:
perhaps the only option really is to adapt the tables compdata.

I find it hard to compdata FWC, work in career mode, but we will try

Looks like they've made OS specific functions this time around... rather weird I think. Perhaps they've added new functions to the tournament code. The fact that they seem to be encrypted could mean they've dropped the usual mod protection method, which could be pretty nice news provided we remove encryption out of the picture. Have you tried opening the files with a hex editor? I ask this because a lot of people hit a roadblock trying to get new files from Fifa Online 3 until tokke discovered that it was possible to bypass the encryption/protection that wasn't recognized by the current tools when trying to open the .big files... Maybe the dlc files have the same kind of protection. Could be worth a shot

burc ugur

Club Supporter
Dear patch crew , do not waste time in vain..

You do another patch..
I give to you guarantee..

FIFA World Cup 2014 PC , Very soon out !!!

I spoke with the EA Sports admin.


Youth Team
burc ugur;3658828 said:
Dear patch crew , do not waste time in vain..

You do another patch..
I give to you guarantee..

FIFA World Cup 2014 PC , Very soon out !!!

I spoke with the EA Sports admin.

What do you mean? What did the admin say?

burc ugur

Club Supporter
Why game don't out pc ?

EA Admin
Hi, The game is in the process of being released this week. The exact release time and date depends on where you are located in the world.


That's not my question. .. My question is very clear ..

Why this game out the computer/PC platform?
Is that too hard to do?

You make a World cup game PC but don't out game pc !

EA Admin
What country are you from?

The game is being released this week, so it will be out in all regions for PC soon.

Original post:http://answers.ea.com/t5/2014-FIFA-World-Cup-Brazil/FIFA-14-World-Cup-on-IOS/m-p/2650094#U2650094


Youth Team
^I think the guy doesn't know much about the Wc game a thought it would be coming on PC too. Looks like the guy just wanted to give an answer. I doubt it would be coming on PC. It is written nowhere that it is officially coming yet he is saying it's coming this week


Senior Squad
sam250;3658695 said:
Guys this is a MW patch add-on that adds all the national teams in the world to the World cup database from Moddingway. http://www.moddingway.com/forums/thread-23116.html
Maybe you can start building from this as a base?

Why are you so dead set on people using this database, there are a ton of people on this site who are very capable of making a complete and accurate db and since everyone has the db from the wc console game there isn't much need for anyone else's db.