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  1. yochai

    PATCHES Sven & Domin's UEFA Expansion

    So far I got 0 brand new national teams working! The mod has been paused for a bit due to lack of motivation and losing the squad file completely (When mod is done i will add all missing UEFA teams, and when that's done i'll start work on my home continent of asia)
  2. E

    FIFA 23 New Tournaments

    hi! im looking someone who can help me with editing compdata file for fifa 23. My goal is to add some sort of FA cups for all asian leagues avelaible in vanila fifa 23, and equivalent of club world cup. Any help would be appreciated!
  3. P


    How to change the start date of the tournament from 2009 year to 2018? CM 10 can’t do this. Coz the max value is 2010. I have a 2019 year patch)
  4. H

    FIFA 23 PS5 tournaments

    Hello everyone, I am looking for players who want to take part in tournaments for FIFA 23 on PS5. YOU MUST OWN A PS5 & FIFA 23 to take part in these tournaments. We have full leagues with cash prizes for winners representing their teams. Please note that we all have a regular life and jobs and...
  5. Dominn98

    Help with creating tournaments in career mode

    Hello, I've been trying to build up the 24 European team championship in career mode. I edited all files, but it takes a lot of time because the European Championship ID is 980 and it is in the file (compobj) at the beginning, where there are 1700 lines of code. When it comes to creating, each...