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  1. F

    Adboards for Custom Tournament

    Hi guys, does anyone know where i can find the Custom Tournament adboards? What filename is it?
  2. mzt9998

    Creating a Futsal(volta football) Tournament in FIFA 23

    Hi. How can I create a futsal tournament(volta football) in FIFA 23? I'm referring to a futsal league(volta football League). Please let me know if you have any information on this. Thank you for your time and consideration.
  3. mzt9998

    Custom Tournament Memory Address in EAFC 24

    Subject: Custom Tournament Memory Address in EAFC 24 Hi everyone, I'm looking for the memory address of the Custom Tournament save file in EAFC 24. To be clear, I'm referring to the file that contains the data and settings for custom tournaments within the game. I'd like to be able to edit...
  4. G

    Help to Play Manager Mode with a Created League

    Hello, I am adding the Nicaraguan League, with 12 teams, when I play the career mode with another team, everything goes well, but if I want to play with the Nicaraguan League it crashes, someone told me what it was, because the scout.ini, the transfer and transfers, they don't have the league...
  5. E

    How to select fixtures and not them being randomly selected

    Good morning, I Just wanted to know if there is a way of modding the way teams are selected in a cup, tournament or league on FIFA 23 (not career Mode) I want to make a tournament in which teams are divided in a group stage of 3 teams each. I found Papa John's Trophy is the only tournament on...
  6. AbdullahNiaz39

    Fifa 22 Suquad problem in tournament ?

    When I play a tournament play one match and any time when I load tournament it shows my squad is the default squad of FIFA 22. Please anyone know this problem ?
  7. R


    Hello all, I have bought a Brazilian MOD and its amazing, but I want to add some tournaments on this MOD and one team. I do not have the project file for the Brazilian MOD, however I do have the IDs. I've already created some tournament MOD (New world cup for clubs every 4 yeaars with 32...
  8. K

    Is it possible to create a new tournament for carrer mode?

    Hello i want to make a new tournament for danish,swedish,norwegish and finnish leagues but i didnt make any mod ever and i dont know if there is a possibility to do it
  9. Kiros

    OFC Nations Cup 2021 virtual simulating in FIFA98RTWC

    Hello everyone! It is my attempt to simulate OFC Cup of oceanic nations, you know that tournament, I hope. Last one were in 2016 and we couldn't see it in 2020 because of pandemic situation of COVID-19. And from now on I let myself create an alternative of it. So I made new improvement of...
  10. deathcommand

    How to edit touraments? DLC files

    Does anyone knows how to edit tournaments for FIFA 20, I used to do it with CM15 for FIFA15 ,BUT HERE... is there some tutorial? or something to explain how to edit the DLC files thanks a lot
  11. PrinceDiman2018

    Edit structure Women's International CUP.

    Hello everyone, is there an opportunity to change the structure of the tournament for the women's International CUP mode? I tried change this in CM 16, but noithing found. I don't need other tournament so. I want to add more teams to this tournament. Thanks!
  12. I

    FIFA Tournament with cash to win!

    Hey everyone! Esport-Management is organizing a tournament on Saturday, May 18th, at 3:00 pm on FIFA with a 200€ cash prize! - 1st place: 100€ - 2nd place: 50€ - 3rd-4th places: 25€ These tournaments happen every week, and registrations are free. If you want to participate, it's here...
  13. dj misho

    Tournament playable in career mode

    Hello all! I have one question. I create some leagues for FIFA 15 , but i dont know how create tournament in Creation Master 15, so to playable in tournament and career mode. Can you help me please? (instructions.. etc) Thanks