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Please give them a visit!
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  1. herbert

    Controller input lag - your experience? Workarounds?

    The problem is not new. I think most of us have run into this. If it's got you, then you experience things like these: Short passes are too soft. Most likely due to too little button input. Players use the 'Stretched first-touch' animation for balls that are 100% placed at their feet. Players...
  2. Tálisson Fernandes


    Olá, senhores Tenho 2 controles Laser USB Dual Shock. Antes eu jogava FIFA 10 normalmente utilizando os 2 controles, sem travamento durante as partidas. Tive que formatar o PC e quando instalei novamente o jogo, está acontecendo algo muito estranho. Usando somente por teclado funciona...