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  1. A

    Searching for answers

    Hi, I'm actually modding Fifa 22 and i would have some answers to my questions about modding. I already finished a mod and it works pretty well but i had the idea of modifiying the match rating system. I usually play a Play as a player career in order to start to a bottom league (like french...
  2. Ali Nabil

    Why Are There No Patches for FIFA 20? A Missed Opportunity?

    Hello everyone, As we all know, the new FC 25 is out, and it's getting a lot of attention from the community. But I can't help but wonder—why are there still no patches available for FIFA 20? The game had solid gameplay, good graphics, and was an important part of the FIFA series, yet it seems...
  3. A

    Converted for FIFA 22

  4. J

    How can I add Vleague 2 in my mod?

    I changed CSL to Vleague 1 and now I want to change the Indian league to Vleague 2, so how can I do that? Thanks
  5. airtonda.fifa

    FIFA 22 fan removal

    Is there a mode in FIFA 22 where I can remove fans from the stadium? I would be happy if you could help me.
  6. J

    Face Mod HSV

  7. R


    Hello all, I have bought a Brazilian MOD and its amazing, but I want to add some tournaments on this MOD and one team. I do not have the project file for the Brazilian MOD, however I do have the IDs. I've already created some tournament MOD (New world cup for clubs every 4 yeaars with 32...
  8. SkyMonchon

    Fifa 22 Moroccan Television

    Moroccan TV logo for fifa 22 (Arryadia) I hope you like it ! File to mods (Fix file, final) : https://www.mediafire.com/file/5esdk6s3w07m0d2/Arryadia_TV_Logo.fifamod/file
  9. SkyMonchon

    Squad file make career mode crash

    hello, I noticed that it's last time that my manager or player career mode crashed after launching a new game. I looked everywhere where the problem came from and I found it, it comes from the squad file apparently it would be much too big for the career mode, so I tried with a blank squad file...
  10. ✧ Woodashi ✧

    FKC Kitstore

    Back for the new game! This time, with new details and new levels of quality. Giving the work more attention and working hard, to provide you guys with the best possible jerseys i can do. Also, big thanks to guys like @Devil_9, @Voleck, @robmar85 for inspiring me and teaching me, how to create...
  11. kaboom

    FIFA 22 Career Player Pro Face How to Change? ID 30999

    I literally tried everything it just won't work. Does anyone know any way to get around this and change the face of the player? I wan't to do this because I wan't to use the player growth system as it's not available when playing as a real player. Thanks in advance!
  12. Riazor Facemaker

    Riazor's Faces

    You can download my faces here Requests are welcome :)
  13. itzs8

    Adding lower league for FIFA 22?

    Hello guys. I have a question you. This is very important for me, my youtube channel and my youtube community. I'm from Turkey and I wanna add Turkish 2.League (lower league like Serie A and Serie B). I'm youtuber, fifa editor and modmaker. I know, how to use fifa mod editor, db master and etc...
  14. xDarkohhh

    Sky Sports TV Overlay by xDarkohhh

    Sky Sports TV Overlay by xDarkohhh Includes: - General Sky Sports TV Overlay - Custom Premier League Sky Sports TV Overlay - Custom Bundesliga Sky Sports TV Overlay Any feedback or ideas would be much appreciated. Working on last FIFA 22 Update. Download Link...
  15. K

    FIFA22 Extra National Teams Polish Patch 8.0 TU 12

    Polish content patch "Fifa 22 Extra National Teams Patch 8.0" All representations work link https://mega.nz/file/ptgDiRrQ#MKCTasfnlgqPual8RhITqRUY56UXYiZw510-HKnpiTw Donate https://paypal.me/kacperkawiorski Pictures for example Zdjęcie w jakiej kolejności powinien wyglądać mod 1 polska łatka...
  16. K

    fifa 22 extra national teams patch 7.0, 8.0 -Polish patch

    https://mega.nz/file/VphC3aoA#ALnC66ebw8y29__F0F6AoYQ4YdLBUf5bZWeRkB17nZk fifa 22 extra national team7.0, 8.0 -polish patch Donate https://paypal.me/kacperkawiorski
  17. itsByGexX

    |FIFA22| 1RFEF Patch (Spanish Third Division)

    Hi everyone! I'm itsByGexX, a new spanish modder who is just starting in the world of fifa mods and is working on a patch about the Spanish Third Division (1RFEF) The 1RFEF Patch is a project that I had in mind for a long time, but due to my lack of knowledge about how to make changes to the...
  18. R

    Edit FIFA 22 PS4 HEN

    Hello everyone, has anyone seen on the Internet at least some information on the possibility of unpacking and editing .pkg FIFA 22 on jail PS4?
  19. diazjesux

    FIFA 22 Switch Patch

    AT NO TIME A LINK IS GIVEN TOWARDS THE ILLEGAL DOWNLOAD OF THE GAME, THIS IS JUST A SIMPLE PATCH *Changelog -Based on march 2022 squads -Licenced Juventus, Atalanta, Lazio and Roma -Added 643 banners -Added 224 faces and update Griezmann hair -Stadio Olimpico of Rome(Barca, River, Boca, Juve...
  20. M

    (FIFA 22) (TU9) Replace all generic scoreboards,line up graphics etc. with the Champions league one

    Very bad title ik but idk how to call it else Works 95% with TU9 https://www.mediafire.com/file/s4bppk1ryxpn3tv/Replace_all_Generic_Overlay%2527s_with_the_Champions_League_One.zip/file