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  1. Ali Nabil

    Why Are There No Patches for FIFA 20? A Missed Opportunity?

    Hello everyone, As we all know, the new FC 25 is out, and it's getting a lot of attention from the community. But I can't help but wonder—why are there still no patches available for FIFA 20? The game had solid gameplay, good graphics, and was an important part of the FIFA series, yet it seems...
  2. V

    RPL MOD FIFA21 by tim

    RPL Release v1.0 -16 teams by Russian Premier League season 2020-2021 -More than 400 players were created -Forms, banners, real stadium names for all 16 teams -All transfers made for March 13, 2021. -Real faces: Clinton N'Jie, Guillermo Varela, Sebastian Szymanski, Tonny Vilhena, Marcus Berg...
  3. Aguh10

    FIFA 21 Kits season 21/22 by Aguh10

    Hi, i'll posting some kits from the season 21/22 for fifa 21, as i make the kits i'll publish them. now i made 3 o 4 maybe, that i'll publish this afternoon, see u soon!
  4. MarlonRios10

    FIFA 21 Theme For FIFA 20

    Hi friends if you want to feel like you are plying FIFA 21 this theme could help you. LINK: https://www.mediafire.com/file/pz0avr12xj4orvd/FIFA21ThemeForFifa20.fbmod/file
  5. Arethiel

    Arethiel's Free Kits

    Hi, guys! :taz: Same as last year, I'll be posting FIFA kits that are completly free to use, but this time I WON'T BE TAKING ANY REQUESTS! Reason for that is that I'm working again and don't have as much free time as I did last year. I'll be making kits that I want and doing it at my own pace...
  6. Dominn98

    Help with creating tournaments in career mode

    Hello, I've been trying to build up the 24 European team championship in career mode. I edited all files, but it takes a lot of time because the European Championship ID is 980 and it is in the file (compobj) at the beginning, where there are 1700 lines of code. When it comes to creating, each...
  7. diazjesux

    FIFA21 Switch Patch FIX 28/06/2021

    AT NO TIME A LINK IS GIVEN TOWARDS THE ILLEGAL DOWNLOAD OF THE GAME, THIS IS JUST A SIMPLE PATCH The community is slowly dying, it is very difficult to get the material, I don't know if this is my last contribution to the community, it is very difficult to carry out a patch by only one person ...
  8. Exofifa

    FRP ALPHA First BIG PATCH for FIFA 21!

    Me and the FRP team is proud to announce the release of the first version of FRP 21! It has a ton of graphical changes and has licensed Juventus and AS Roma. Full feature list in the download. https://mega.nz/folder/hcQGgJRB#6w2Aym-QnJItKyT0NMXQqA
  9. Exofifa

    Kits Made By A Noob (PeterPan)

    Joined this community 1 and a half months ago (as of 10th of November 2020). I quickly got into some groups like Manticore, KMUTD and KMT and I also created my own patch together with Arkantos called FRP (FIFA Revival Patch). All of this have came extremely fast and I owe everything to these...
  10. Iluyan

    [Story] Feyenoord Career mode

    The New Feyenoord Fifa 21 Career mode has started! Rules/Settings Diffeculty : Legendary (AI On)Transfers : StrictScouting : I'm not looking up Potentionals or player stats on futbin or so, HOWEVER, I have a lot of information on potentionals already and I am very up to date with the 2020-2021...
  11. ✧ Woodashi ✧

    Anubis Production by [AP] Arkantos [KMUTD]

    Fifa 21 periode has stated and i'm more than ready to start my projects here. as soon as modding is possible, i will start making new stuff again. This time, i pan in splitting it up a bit more: 1. Base Mode (only real kits) 2. Team Addon (new teams replacing other/with real kits) 3. Fantasy...
  12. diazjesux

    KITS for FIFA 21 (only textures)

    Kits made to change, but if someone is helpful or facilitates the conversion to pc they can use them