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fifa 14 creation master

  1. Kenny FUT

    How can i change the initial year of the game?

    I was changing the birth age of players to be the age they are today, but that takes a long time, I also changed it through Creation Master, and it just broke the game. How can I change it?
  2. Amrbebo

    FIFA 14 SQUAD UPDATE Sept 2023

    https://mega4upload.com/sc6mad569bw3 The latest transfer file for FIFA 2014. Transfers are updated for all teams with the latest capabilities
  3. pichatz

    BARCELONA 4th Kits 2023 already created .rx3 format

  4. C

    FIFA 14 Blank names/team page crash

    Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and I would love get get some help from you on one specific topic. I've been modding FIFA for years (keeping teams, competitions and players up to date with the FIFA database and real life). Games like FIFA 09. FIFA 14 and FIFA 12. However, importing faces...
  5. M

    FIFA 14 career mode crash reason

    I have 2 questions: 1. there is a way to know why FIFA 14 crash in career mode? e.g. why crash after a FIFA 14 editing (league change, team change, etc) 2. there is a limit on leagues creation? I usually add more leagues, teams, national teams, etc and at some point start crashing career mode...