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  1. DaGoose

    KITS 2024/25 Season Kits

    AC Milan Kitset 2024/25 by DaGoose >>Download<< If you notice any bugs in my kits, please notify me! All minikits are done using this tool: https://dl.fifa-infinity.com/fc-24/minikit-generator-24/
  2. DaGoose

    KITS 2024/25 Season Kits

    Hello all, in this thread I will post some of my kits and my AIO mod. You can also upload jerseys, but they must be marked by you and include a preview image and minikits, which must be created with the https://dl.fifa-infinity.com/fc-24/minikit-generator-24/ Minikit Generator 24.
  3. DaGoose

    Kit numbers [127]

    Could you please share the link to this font? I can't find it anywhere. Thank you in advance :)
  4. DaGoose

    Hey, could you explain to me how to tie a league to an tournament? Thanks in advice

    Hey, could you explain to me how to tie a league to an tournament? Thanks in advice
  5. DaGoose

    Creating leagues and making them tied to already existing tournaments?

    Hey I have the same question but I couldnt find anything... Could someone search out some tutorials and give the link to me? Thanks in advice
  6. DaGoose

    How can you assign a cup to another league?

    Hello everyone, I am currently creating my mod for the 2nd Swiss league and encountered a small problem. I wanted to assign the Swiss Cup to the first and second leagues and also add a barrage to the relegation, but I don't understand how it works. I've already read a bit that it's very...