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  1. T

    Programs & Files [tokke001]

    You want export files from fifa online 4 with my fo4 export tool? Because the filenames are indeed missing If u want export files from other other games, U should use tools like filemaster (available on fifa-infinity.com)
  2. T

    DOWNLOAD EAFC 25 Database Files

    U need check the language databases: Folder : \Data\loc\ There s 1 database for each ingame language
  3. T

    FC 25 to F16 Face conversions

    The revolution mod or fip patch is installed correctly? The player lua files wont work on the original game... Check documentation revolution mod also, fifa 16 is different from 14... First try with database, see if that fixes your problem...
  4. T

    FC 25 to F16 Face conversions

    Isnt there a value u need change in the database, so the game dont color the hair? https://soccergaming.com/index.php?threads/fifa-22-to-14-faces-pack.6468936/#post-6619236 Fix: https://soccergaming.com/index.php?threads/fifa-22-to-14-faces-pack.6468936/post-6619253
  5. T

    FIFA Converter (Models & Textures)

    Can u give more info? If u mean what templates u need, skin textures files from original game dont work? If remember right, there s a database value u need change Or the game will color the hair Cm14 error probably, because of filesize
  6. T

    FIFA Converter (Models & Textures)

    For who s having errors in the hair models, from modded fifa 16 to 14 or 14 to 16 Check if the files are oke first : https://soccergaming.com/index.php?threads/fifa-converter-models-textures.6468102/page-15#post-6655508...
  7. T

    Programs & Files [tokke001]

    U can also find them in latest patch then, i never deleted faces : https://soccergaming.com/index.php?threads/2023-24-patch-for-fifa-11-tokke001.6472391/page-13#post-6800398 I think
  8. T

    Reading/Writing Rx3 & Rx2 Files [.dll] [All Fifas]

    U r probably interested in the crowd convert tool: https://soccergaming.com/index.php?threads/crowdplacement-convert-tool-dat-txt-tokke001.6473401/
  9. T

    2023-24 patch for FIFA 11 [tokke001]

    For the moment i am not working on a 2024-25 patch for fifa 11 Sry My motivation for working on such big projects has became less However there s a small chance i may still continue in the future... but for now: no
  10. T

    For the moment, I m not working on a 2024-25 patch for fifa 11

    For the moment, I m not working on a 2024-25 patch for fifa 11
  11. T

    Programs & Files [tokke001]

    There might be such bugs in the tool if i remember correct Yes, Fifa 15 is different but my fifa 11 2023-24 patch had from fc24: ALL generic hair models All new generic hair colours All head models Face texts, new beards, eyebrows, ... So i could just have the same generic faces from fc24 to 11
  12. T

    Programs & Files [tokke001]

    - FIFA Online 3 (Old FIFA 11 engine) - Extracted files : Link - FIFA Online 3 (New F12/13 impact engine) - Extracted files : Link I think it s the first link u need? See also the first post of the thread for an overview of all my files
  13. T

    FC 25 to F16 Face conversions

    If u want create eye textures, the way i do it: 1. Get player - eye assignments list * open database with dbmaster containing the players u need * table "player" u find a column playerid , and eyeid * copy the players u need or use excel to filter 2. Extract fifa 16 generic eye textures 3...
  14. T

    FC 25 to F16 Face conversions

    Fifa 16 uses generic eyes, assigned in the database: So no eyes folder...
  15. T

    New Faces Converted [tokke001]

    It s always @Harry BullZak who converts to fifa 14, then me to fifa 11 He didnt do u8 yet, Bit patient for harry when he finds time ;)
  16. T

    New Faces Converted [tokke001]

    From what fifa u convert?
  17. T

    FIFA Converter (Models & Textures)

    Also try not import with Creation master, instead just copy the files to the folders Cm can give errors
  18. T

    FIFA Converter (Models & Textures)

    That s from the hair model? Can u show me the full 3d Try with this 3d viewer: https://soccergaming.com/index.php?threads/programs-files-tokke001.180712/page-26#post-6734814
  19. T

    FIFA Converter (Models & Textures)

    Yes , u can move if u click on the scroll wheel (Click, not scroll)
  20. T

    FIFA Converter (Models & Textures)

    The boot should move/stretch a bit with the sock to avoid clashing But if too much or move wrong is not good U have screen?