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  1. D

    Real Madrid [2011-2012]

    HALA MADRID! we dont need a real thread OUR SUPPORT IS UNCONDITIONAL!!
  2. D

    Can the United States win the World Cup?

    maybe in 30 yrs... :innocent_smile_1:
  3. D

    WC Group A: Mexico vs. South Africa [P+R]

    i also thought he was offside.. i didnt know the goalie counted too..lol this game sucks btw.. i hope uruguay rocks france..lol
  4. D

    FC Barcelona Thread [2010/11]

    KCUF THIS THREAD! $$fg#$% Busquets sucks and hes going to prove it in the world cup:innocent_smile_1:
  5. D

    Chelsea F.C [2010-2011]

    why Joe cole though?? i hope he has a good World Cup and is signed by a big team..
  6. D

    Rafael Benitez Leaves Liverpool F.C

    he already signed for Inter, lets hope he doesnt screw up Maicon's transfer to Real Madrid
  7. D

    World Cup Injury Watch

    Spain doesnt need Iniesta... they have fabregas, xabi, xavi, pedro,mata, silva...
  8. D

    Real Madrid Thread 2009-2010

    actually if you compare those two videos you can notice that messi does the same thing c.ronaldo does.. the only difference is that messi's elbows only reach the defenders stomach not his face...lol
  9. D

    Real Madrid Thread 2009-2010

    fvck... we really missed el pipita tonite.... benzema had a really bad game, except for that one shot that hit the post... imo, guti should have started... and raul should have come in much earlier...
  10. D

    FC Barcelona Thread [2009/10]

    http://www.tiramillas.net/albumes/2009/12/21/gerard_pique/index.html i found some pics of pique while browsing as.com i know you will enjoy them bybuti, no need to thank me :biggrinx:
  11. D

    FC Barcelona Thread [2009/10]

    one thing is to make fun of his platonic love towards pique.. and another thing is to harrass the guy cuz of his sexual tendencies... i have a solution though, if bybuti admits he is gay... i will stop visitin this thread :33vff3o:
  12. D

    FC Barcelona Thread [2009/10]

  13. D

    TV Shows aka Sir Didier being upset that non-hipsters like Game of Thrones

    fringe, v, stargate universe, house, sanctuary, heroes, lost, lie to me, flash forward
  14. D

    Inter Thread [09-10]

    just cuz hez hondurean like yourself.. does not mean he should start.. milito and eto'o are doing a pretty good job :sKIp_E:
  15. D

    Real Madrid Thread 2009-2010

    bybuti... with that sig.. you prove the world what everyone believes of barca fans you are antimadridista first and then a barca fan... enjoy
  16. D

    Real Madrid Thread 2009-2010

    another lost against a big team :clapwap: sergio ramos should not start.. he sucks defending and his passing is horrible ... Benzema does not deserve to start over higuain... too bad casillas had a bad game tonight
  17. D

    Real Madrid Thread 2009-2010

    does anyone know if ramos is playing this weekend?
  18. D

    Real Madrid Thread [2008 - 2009]

    so real madrid finally fired Mijatovic......:browsmiley: next step: Elecciones:sKIp_E:
  19. D

    Real Madrid Thread [2008 - 2009]

    dude i completely agree with ur statement... gago and lass in the middle not working at all... pepe.. a ***in disaster .. hate how he plays... hez amazin at something..(anticipating the ball-when the forward is not facing the goa:(l) ... but sucks at everything else...:icon_spyed:
  20. D

    Real Madrid Thread [2007-2008]

    think Juan Vargas would be a really good signing for R. Madrid (not cuz he's peruvian, but because he is considered one of the best left backs in Serie A right now) He is got a great shot, he is physically tough, good technique, (kind of like how Heinze plays) i acknowledge Marcelo's...