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  1. F

    UEFA Leagues Patch For FC 24

    Updating transfers to 01/14/2024 is awesome! Do you plan on updating transfers when the next transfer window rolls around? Great patch in general, good job!
  2. F

    Chris copy kits

    You're welcome. Sometimes I try downloading from several different sites to find a good working version of a game. Sometimes it has to do with computer hardware, sometimes it's just bad game builds.
  3. F

    Chris copy kits

    You can probably download it somewhere. But it's unlikely to be a licensed version. Have you tried searching torrents? I found it here: https://robgamers.com/game/fifa-16-full-game-iso-file-pc-game-2015-torrent-download/ - this is not an advertisement.
  4. F

    Adding Leagues and Teams

    Very good, looking forward to it :)
  5. F

    Adding Leagues and Teams

    Hi. You probably very busy if you've stopped posting updates? I would look into doing Compdata
  6. F

    ALL THE TEACHINGS FOR MAKING A PATCH (or just what I know)

    I think you would have to test your patch on each version separately. It is unlikely that it will work on all versions at the same time.
  7. F

    How to create a scoreboard? Or at least change its color?

    This can be done in the built-in Paint image editor. You just need to select the desired area and paint it in the desired color. Photoshop can be too complicated for beginners. But it is more flexible.
  8. F

    Help me at the World Cup

    Why did you get two more games? I've never had that before.
  9. F

    Some creations

    Don't think you're alone. You have very beautiful creations. I like each one. Keep making :) Hi everyone. This is my first post.