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  1. S

    FIFA Infinity Patch 16 V8.0 (24/25 Edition)

    Does anybody know any good themes apart from the fc theme on fifa infinity website?
  2. S

    FIFA Infinity Patch 16 V8.0 (24/25 Edition)

    Does anyone know how to make the game less laggier? Before installing the patch I could get 70+ fps on lowest settings and 720p, now I can barely get 20-30 on same settings. If it matters, I have 8 gb ram and Ryzen 5 5500U cpu (with integrated graphics card). I can run fifa 17/18 at 720p 60 fps...
  3. S

    FIFA Infinity Patch 16 V8.0 (24/25 Edition)

    Bit late but just wanted to thank you for releasing the new patch. Hope you have a great day and year ahead of you.
  4. S

    FIFA Infinity Patch 14 v7 (Official HBZ 23/24 Edition)

    What does installing the FIP 14 v5 facepack do? Does it add new minifaces/in-game faces, or is it redundant if I already have v7.30?
  5. S

    [Release] FIFA 23 Theme + Official Soundtrack For FIFA 14

    For some reason the theme is a bit blurry for me compared to the default FIFA 14 theme. I used CM 15 (from fifa infinity website) to regenerate the files.