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  1. H

    Ajax_1995 Kits

    Hi Ajax 1995, please I will love to see ur version of Chelsea kits with alternate all blue and all cream set
  2. H

    Scoreboards and Popups by FifaMan017

    Hi FifaMan017, the epl Scoreboard after 1st and 2nd half only displays names of 2 scorers only even when the score is more than that
  3. H

    3rd, 4th and special kits that EA dont put in the game

    Thanks But didn't find the white shorts and socks
  4. H

    3rd, 4th and special kits that EA dont put in the game

    Please can u direct me to his thread. Am unable to find it
  5. H

    3rd, 4th and special kits that EA dont put in the game

    Please can u make Chelsea all blue and all white kits?
  6. H

    North Korean Premier and National leagues cmp [24/25]

    Hi, can u please do it for fifa 14?
  7. H

    FIFA Infinity Patch 14 v8 (Official HBZ 24/25 Edition)

    For regeneration am certain I did it but installing I can't tell. So what could cause de hair to be like that?
  8. H

    FIFA Infinity Patch 14 v8 (Official HBZ 24/25 Edition)

    Almost all players with generic face have this problem
  9. H

    FIFA Infinity Patch 14 v8 (Official HBZ 24/25 Edition)

    Am having a generic hair problem. Can someone help please. It have after I installed the V8.
  10. H

    Scoreboards and Popups by FifaMan017

    Forgive me if the images are too many. I couldn't figure out the ones you need