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Search results for query: *

  1. Ikarus58

    KITS 24/25 KITS

    you're welcome.
  2. Ikarus58

    KITS 24/25 KITS

    Yeah, made it from scratch. Using my Wimbledon Kit as template.
  3. Ikarus58

    KITS 24/25 KITS

    here you go... >>DOWNLOAD<<
  4. Ikarus58

    KITS 24/25 KITS

    alright, i'll try it asap
  5. Ikarus58

    KITS 24/25 KITS

    Here you go. My last kit of the year... Happy new year to you all... ;) >>DOWNLOAD<<
  6. Ikarus58

    KITS 24/25 KITS

    Back for kit drop... 5 months just for 1 kit huh? Well better late than never ;) >>DOWNLOAD<<
  7. Ikarus58

    KITS 24/25 KITS

    thanks mate. Appreciate it. There's more to come, but can't tell when....
  8. Ikarus58

    KITS 24/25 KITS

    sure, check your dm
  9. Ikarus58

    KITS 24/25 KITS

    Use Fifa Editor Tool, then batch import all my kits file, after that you can export it as mods and lastly import it with Mod Manager...
  10. Ikarus58

    KITS 24/25 KITS

    Forgot to drop this... :) Patterns by @robmar85 >>DOWNLOAD<<
  11. Ikarus58

    KITS 24/25 KITS

    My work here is done. I'll be back for the next months :)
  12. Ikarus58

    KITS 24/25 KITS

    And last one... >>DOWNLOAD<<
  13. Ikarus58

    KITS 24/25 KITS

    here you go... >>DOWNLOAD<<
  14. Ikarus58

    KITS 24/25 KITS

    Aaand another one for you... >>DOWNLOAD<<
  15. Ikarus58

    KITS 24/25 KITS

    this one too... >>DOWNLOAD<<
  16. Ikarus58

    KITS 24/25 KITS

    hey, better late than never :) >>DOWNLOAD<<
  17. Ikarus58

    KITS 24/25 KITS

    First one... >>DOWNLOAD<<
  18. Ikarus58

    KITS 24/25 KITS

    Back for ADIDAS kits drops... >>
  19. Ikarus58

    KITS 24/25 KITS

    it looks interesting. I'll try but i need to find tha pattern first. Maybe it'll take longer.
  20. Ikarus58

    KITS 24/25 KITS

    you mean making a facemod? I'm sorry, my knowledge didn't reach that stage yet...