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  1. J

    Face(s) Request Thread

    Is there someone have Sotoca (RC Rens) ? player (227232)
  2. J

    SimIT! Stadiums Convertion

    It is great !! you done it well already! I hope Craven Cottage also build up soon!
  3. J

    bro do u have le havre stadium? notts county i dont have

    bro do u have le havre stadium? notts county i dont have
  4. J

    Stadium Requests Thread

    can someone have Le Havre (Ligue 1) stadium???
  5. J

    SimIT! Stadiums Convertion

    bro, out of subject, do u have stadium file of Celta de vigo?? I wanna find this file but i can't find.. i mean, without corner flag bug file.
  6. J

    SimIT! Stadiums Convertion

    Unfortunetly, there's no way for make of it. cuz stadium model is different.
  7. J

    SimIT! Stadiums Convertion

    Hey bro it's easy.. just get only crowdplacement file from another tottenham stadium file and paste/copy into crowdplacement file that you actually have. i had same issue with you and i did with this method and perfectly i solved.
  8. J

    Stadium Server R App

    Hello Friend, I have a problem with run this app.. Error in data.frame(..., check.names = FALSE) : arguments imply differing number of rows: 2, 0 Error in data.frame(..., check.names = FALSE) : arguments imply differing number of rows: 2, 0 When i run this app, i can hear the sound but...
  9. J

    Zoran kits for fifa 16

    guys can you make everton gk2, gk3 ??
  10. J

    Face(s) Request Thread

    Someone can make Pavlovic (FC Bayern) ???
  11. J

    JochemLFC2's Graphics

    Bro, i wanna know how to make that pitch color looks very deep and clean at day/night? I wanna make my game pitch also like yours..! pls reply me thanks
  12. J

    Stadium Server R App

    Thanks for help!! It works perfectly!! I changed key and it is working well!
  13. J

    Stadium Server R App

    I found and this is what i am see now.
  14. J

    Stadium Server R App

    Sorry to bother you.. how can i open that py. R file to change key?
  15. J

    Stadium Server R App

    Is this right? I opened this file with text editor and i need to add that line in this thread? I didn't changed any thread before yet
  16. J

    Stadium Server R App

    Is this happen normally? I'm just wondering did i made right process haha.. only press button doesn't work and everything is fine.. just feel lazy to apply the system by search team name or stadium and click the run button.. anyway i will try to change the key and let you know the result.
  17. J

    Stadium Server R App

    $ means Shift + 4? or just number 4 key? i've tried this too but not working
  18. J

    Stadium Server R App

    Bro, my stadium R app work very well but one problem i have.... I need to run this system passively.. I wanna run this system with press key.. but doesn't work with press A+S.. when i press A+S key at the same time, nothing happen.. how can i solve this problem??
  19. J

    Zoran kits for fifa 16

    Can you make Sheffield United Shorts, GK Kits?
  20. J

    FC 24 to F14 Face conversions

    You must use VirtualBox for use that program. Search about VirtualBox in youtube, it's easy to install. VirtualBox is kinda new desktop in your desktop. You have to install VirtualBox with Window 7 and then download fifa file explorer 2014 in VirtualBox and start it. and share the result file...