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  1. J

    How does data work in FIFA 16?

    Let me explain a problem I'm having so you can understand better. I’m trying to replicate the Turkish league from FIFA Infinity v7.2 to my clean FIFA. So, the league went from 18 to 20 teams, and a few extra match dates were added. After copying everything and testing it in the game, the first...
  2. J

    How does data work in FIFA 16?

    Can someone explain how the dates work in FIFA 16? I am editing a clean FIFA and now I am working with dates, and I noticed that there are differences from FIFA to FIFA. For example, when using FIFA Infinity and replicating the dates in my patch, they don't work as they should... This happens...
  3. J


  4. J

    Atualmente nenhum. Mas quando jogava eu usava o Friends para o Fifa 16 e o Infinity Patch...

    Atualmente nenhum. Mas quando jogava eu usava o Friends para o Fifa 16 e o Infinity Patch. Depois comecei a editar um a meu gosto mas parei. Agora to jogando o Fifa 14 com o Ultimate Patch da época.
  5. J

    FIFA 14 Registry CM14

    I have two versions of CM14 here, 14.2 and 14.3. Which one is better? I also saw that some people use CM15 for FIFA 14... is it better to use it?
  6. J

    FIFA 14 Registry CM14

    Hello. I would like to start by saying that I’m not sure if I’m posting in the correct area, so I apologize if I’m in the wrong section. My question is as follows: I’m trying to use CM14 for the pirated FIFA 14, but whenever I try to open it via "Open - Select lan.db", I get this error. I saw...
  7. J

    Sim, sou sim

    Sim, sou sim
  8. J

    how to increase column limit within the table?

    I talk about this value
  9. J

    how to increase column limit within the table?

    How do I change the limit of a specific table? in this case, the jerseynamefonttype column of the teamkits table... I was importing some stuff from the FIFA Infinity v7.2 patch into a clean FIFA when I came across the limit of column 255 in the teamkits table... Soon after, I opened the Inifity...
  10. J

    How do player names work?

    Well... wouldn't anyone know how to find these groupids above 10? :/
  11. J

    How do player names work?

    Firstly, I would like to thank you for your attention to my post. Second, I would like to apologize for the delay in updating the post. I think I'm starting to understand how it works... I've already managed to organize some names that are in groupid 5 and created some ids with assignment to...
  12. J

    How do player names work?

    If I exported this table from clean FIFA and imported it into this patch, would it work?
  13. J

    How do player names work?

    Hello. Would anyone know how to find or change the name assignment of "people" by country? I have a patch that when I try to hire a Brazilian scout, for example, the name does not come from Brazilian, but from Japanese or Turkish. The same happens with the kids at the base. I wanted to know how...
  14. J

    Back in Time [FIFA 16 to FIFA 11]

    Is correct. If you compare his stats with sofifa's stats, you'll see that it's him. Maybe FIFA 11's DB gave him the nickname Marcelinho, since that was his nickname when he was younger.. https://sofifa.com/player/200949/lucas-rodrigues-moura-da-silva/110002/?r=110002&set=true
  15. J

    Scarlett's Faces

    send me please! [email protected] Your work is fantastic.
  16. J

    Scarlett's Faces

    neither of me, please <3
  17. J

    Scarlett's Faces

    Please send me [email protected]
  18. J

    job offer

    Hi. Does anyone know how I get job offers without being in "looking for jobs" in fifa? I know there is a code, but I do not know which one to modify. which one should I modify to receive 2 or 3 offers per year? Can you help me? this is my code; [JOBOFFER] DEBUG_EASY_JOB_HUNTS = 1 //...
  19. J

    Scarlett's Faces

    Hi, no9ruud, im new to the forum and I noticed that you provide your creations. Which are incredible!!! could you send me some? i say of; Cristiano Ronaldo, Dybala, Virgil van Dijk, Salah and Griezmann? and if you have a from David Neres also? my email is : [email protected] Thank you very much...