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  1. Scott_MJ


    How I do fix incorrect faces on FIFA 22 with mods ? for an example Jorshua Zirkzee, Oscar Bobb, Rico Lewis etc? There's even a duplicate of faces like Darwin Nunez?
  2. Scott_MJ

    FIFA Infinity Patch 19

    Which version of FIFA 19 does this support ? ANYONE?
  3. Scott_MJ

    FIFA Infinity Patch 14 v8 (Official HBZ 24/25 Edition)

    Thank you Harry for keeping FIFA 14 alive it's so exhilarating to play this game over and over again making it feel new again. I am so upset of the people who take your work make it theirs though, there's a person here in Soccer gaming who's hiding himself and downloads all the mods sell it to...
  4. Scott_MJ

    JochemLFC2's Graphics

    Are you using a Reshade on your graphics ? And if you do which .ini look so you use?
  5. Scott_MJ

    FIFA Infinity Patch 16 V8.0 (24/25 Edition)

    Why is Lamine Yamal age 62 in career mode ?
  6. Scott_MJ

    FIFA Infinity Patch 16 V8.0 (24/25 Edition)

    Can anyone please share me their shoe folder ?
  7. Scott_MJ


    What makes the boots to have incorrect textures ? Like the boots are not appearing good in the game. Since I installed your previous mod the from FC 24 body, accessories, etc and FC 24 Body mods?
  8. Scott_MJ

    Sco's Stuff

    Okay thanks mate
  9. Scott_MJ

    Sco's Stuff

    Hi I know I'm out of topic guys can anyone kindly please share me their shoe folder ? Mine is corrupted due to the textures
  10. Scott_MJ

    Jgp 16

    After installing this mod my FIFA 16 doesn't launch anymore
  11. Scott_MJ


    Exactly my thoughts that's why I don't mind them. Only FIFA 14 & FIFA 16 have authentic patches, the rest are just wanna be's
  12. Scott_MJ

    Adboards, Balls, Boots, Scoreboards Request Thread

    Anyone who knows to revert the original FIFA 16 scoreboards, the ones are in-game before patching the game ?
  13. Scott_MJ

    Zoran kits for fifa 16

    Anyway who has these kits converted already? Coz I struggle to install the tool to convert png to rx3 files
  14. Scott_MJ


    Hi guys I installed this patch now kit textures are ruined it's like they are torn and I can't seem to fix it, is there a way to revert the mode
  15. Scott_MJ

    FIFA Infinity Patch 16 V8.0 (24/25 Edition)

    If I may ask why is that in UEFA B in player career mode, the UCL has only 3 games in group stages instead of 6 ? Is it an error or it is defaulted like that ?
  16. Scott_MJ

    The Wizard's Stadiums - Farewell Package - RELEASE (#2582) - Goodbye!

    So there isn't any tutorial on how to install these beautiful stadiums? Coz I searched everywhere but I found nothing. Anyway it's cool.
  17. Scott_MJ

    The Wizard's Stadiums - Farewell Package - RELEASE (#2582) - Goodbye!

    Hi I'm new here I just want to know how to install these stadiums on FIP 16 V7.1 that's if they're compatible with it
  18. Scott_MJ

    FIFA 16 Origin key!

    There's no option of starting conversation with you
  19. Scott_MJ

    FIFA Infinity Patch 16 V8.0 (24/25 Edition)

    It's pretty sad that we can't enjoy this mod since FIFA 16 is hard to get and so expensive