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Search results for query: *

  1. piciubrunet

    PCB tattoos

    Reserved 2
  2. piciubrunet

    PCB tattoos

    Reserved 1
  3. piciubrunet

    PCB tattoos

    FC24 tattoos
  4. piciubrunet

    Forchia89 Nex-gen Graphic work

    Great work! I love it!
  5. piciubrunet

    Database tattoo question

    Yes, it's possible!
  6. piciubrunet

    Tattoos by piciu brunet

    Use FMM to load and apply with Live Editor
  7. piciubrunet

    Tattoos by piciu brunet

    It works with every TU...
  8. piciubrunet

    MichalGrau's Faces

    Take your time mate! Family comes 1st! Waiting your next work. Stay safe!
  9. piciubrunet

    chris works 22

    Yeah, well, if it were a phone app, with notifications, like discord, twitter, patreon, and so on, it whould be cooler...
  10. piciubrunet

    chris works 22

    Nice work Chris ! Keep them coming...
  11. piciubrunet

    MichalGrau's Faces

    OMG. I like guys with a good sense of humor!
  12. piciubrunet

    wally's faces

    Great looking faces mate! Keep it going...
  13. piciubrunet

    Tattoos by piciu brunet

    Here are the folder for all my faces for fifa 22: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/qk0l1rdu78j8j/Fifa22+faces
  14. piciubrunet

    Tattoos by piciu brunet

    List of arm tattoos: List of full body tattoos:
  15. piciubrunet

    Tattoos by piciu brunet

    I’ll post here my tattoos and some faces…
  16. piciubrunet

    Twopyx's Stadiums

    Cluj Arena is a very good and nice stadium, so please make it. Nice work, by the way!
  17. piciubrunet

    Stadium Sceneassets

    We ALL have it! You just need to search for it...