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  1. W

    annoyed with fake kits...not anymore!!!

    There is a thing you can buy off amazon called a PES MAX DRIVE it does every kit on the game perfectionally.It also does every badge on the game...the kits are done perfectionally, including sponsers, and makes. It does every little deatail its amazing...ask for more deatails/information :read:
  2. W

    What position do u play in ?

    i play right wing for fulham i am very pacy and skillfull, i als have a banging shot on me :shades:
  3. W

    Calvarez Kit Workshop

    hpw do you make those kits??
  4. W

    need help

    you hav got to buy some thing off amazon its only cheap and it gets it all set up... ill write back later with the deatails of it... :read:
  5. W

    Tricks, moves, button combinations FIFA 07...

    some boy online was beating me 2-1 and he was bringin his keeper out and i scored a freak goal. I shot with my keeper in his own area. i jus held circle and pressed basically every button!!! :Carlos*o:
  6. W

    Rumours Center

    c.ronaldo to sutton utd :crazyboy:
  7. W

    England New Kits

    hello, there is a thing called a MAX DRIVE that you can buy it does every kit and team badge on the game to perfction. It even looks better than fifa's kits. You can buy it on www.amazon.co.uk and type in pro evolution 6 max drive it is amazing. I have done it my self. I'm not to sure how to...
  8. W

    fifa 07 the best............

    pro evo much better more realistic gameplay, yeah they haven't got the licence and that but there are things goin around to make all the kits perfect PRO EVO BETTA!!!
  9. W

    how's your career going?

    ite, play for fulham lost the season to westham on goal difference!!!! O well lifes a b**ch
  10. W

    What position do u play in ?

    ite, i play for fulham im a really pacy winger...:shades:
  11. W

    Request Thread: Kits-Badges-Logos-Sponsors-Textures

    http://www.bebo.com/PhotoAlbumBig.jsp?MemberId=2980955512&PhotoAlbumId=3091503477&PhotoId=3617265020 hi, haven't requested a kit before so this is my first, if possible could someone make this kit for me i would be really greatfull, the kit is in the link above... thankyou ..Wilson..