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  • Users: Hyo
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  1. Hyo

    MODS Hyo's Hyper Realistic Gameplay Mod V10 (SGC/SF) TU18.2 (NEW RELEASE)

    Updated to TU18.2 https://www.mediafire.com/file/2l0913dsgjd5vte/Hyo%2527s_Hyper_Realistic_Gameplay_V10_%2528SGC-SF%2529_TU18.2.fifamod/file
  2. Hyo

    MODS Hyo's Hyper Realistic Gameplay Mod V10 (SGC/SF) TU18.2 (NEW RELEASE)

    I don't get the reason for such comment on my thread. It seems quite provocative but I don't want to be dragged into polemics replies, please. Thank you.
  3. Hyo

    MODS Hyo's Hyper Realistic Gameplay Mod V10 (SGC/SF) TU18.2 (NEW RELEASE)

    Hi there. It's more than that. Saying that physics is wrong doesn't mean much, because it's a complex system with multiple instances interdependent on each other. Some bugs can be more difficult to spot, because they can reveal theirself on rare case. I try to test my mod much as I can before...
  4. Hyo

    MODS Hyo's Hyper Realistic Gameplay Mod V10 (SGC/SF) TU18.2 (NEW RELEASE)

    Hi there, sorry If I reply just now. The reason is on physics. I have been trying to build a gameplay where ball touches were more unpredictable and the ball was less stick on the ground. I slighty reduced this feature on the V10.
  5. Hyo

    MODS Hyo's Hyper Realistic Gameplay Mod V10 (SGC/SF) TU18.2 (NEW RELEASE)

    Sorry for such a late reply, but I never have much free time and all I have is dedicated on editing and testing. Thank you for your feedback and it makes me quite happy especially because It's completely dispassionate. Your observation are than quite right. I have been working on the ref system...
  6. Hyo

    MODS Hyo's Hyper Realistic Gameplay Mod V10 (SGC/SF) TU18.2 (NEW RELEASE)

    I am exhuming this thread to post a new version of the my project updated to TU17
  7. Hyo

    MODS Hyo's Hyper Realistic Gameplay Mod V10 (SGC/SF) TU18.2 (NEW RELEASE)

    Just a glimpse on the work in progress for the V7
  8. Hyo

    MODS Hyo's Hyper Realistic Gameplay Mod V10 (SGC/SF) TU18.2 (NEW RELEASE)

    These words give me thoughts and feelings that I really struggle to return with a simple thank you. Most of the things you noted have been already fixed on the version next to come. I hope to release it in the next few days. I am refining it and it will be again completely different. It is a...
  9. Hyo

    MODS Hyo's Hyper Realistic Gameplay Mod V10 (SGC/SF) TU18.2 (NEW RELEASE)

    Oh well. I guess I already replied to this but I will say again for whom got same impressions so sorry if you got the same answer. It's a test on the attempt to reproduce a different pattern for the shot error. It happens randomly, and I particularly liked the effect when the shot is over the...
  10. Hyo

    MODS Hyo's Hyper Realistic Gameplay Mod V10 (SGC/SF) TU18.2 (NEW RELEASE)

    Thank you, your words repay my work. The aspects you well reported are in constant reworking and some of them have been fixed on the V6 and I believe even better in the next version
  11. Hyo

    MODS Hyo's Hyper Realistic Gameplay Mod V10 (SGC/SF) TU18.2 (NEW RELEASE)

    Dear Anth, I'm glad to hear you. "You're a Patreon member of mine, so you clearly have access to my work." I support on Patreon many creators, as I imagine you do too. My subscription to your channel, has no mystery and in fact my name is the same as my username here and my creator page name...
  12. Hyo

    MODS Hyo's Hyper Realistic Gameplay Mod V10 (SGC/SF) TU18.2 (NEW RELEASE)

    Sorry I misstranslate your text. My mods are different and it seems so obvious that it looks like you haven't played it
  13. Hyo

    MODS Hyo's Hyper Realistic Gameplay Mod V10 (SGC/SF) TU18.2 (NEW RELEASE)

    Hi guys I'm posting V6 TU10 but today EA will release TU11 and a new gameplay version is almost ready. Idk if it will be a 6.5 version or a 7, it depends from how many changes will be confirmed on last tests. Bro I'm big fan on internet as a money free place but editing tooks too much time and...
  14. Hyo

    MODS Hyo's Hyper Realistic Gameplay Mod V10 (SGC/SF) TU18.2 (NEW RELEASE)

    I missed this messages. Sorry about. Always default sliders
  15. Hyo

    MODS Hyo's Hyper Realistic Gameplay Mod V10 (SGC/SF) TU18.2 (NEW RELEASE)

    Hi there. Sorry but I've been absorbed on the V6 release on patreon. I just posted the V4 and V5 update to TU10
  16. Hyo

    MODS Hyo's Hyper Realistic Gameplay Mod V10 (SGC/SF) TU18.2 (NEW RELEASE)

    Thank you. These feedbacks make a real impact on my engagement. You made a point about shots and it'sexactly what I'm working on these days. The first release, then modified, had much better shot for hero. There should be a clip of a shot on the first page of this thread. Many asked for a...
  17. Hyo

    MODS Hyo's Hyper Realistic Gameplay Mod V10 (SGC/SF) TU18.2 (NEW RELEASE)

    V5 has faster physics, so ball moves faster but team pace is slower than V4. If you notice team pressing, or speed to build up result cooled down in V5. V4 has anyway some aspects that I prefer too. Overall I find the V5 more solid and harmonious, with also better animations. Btw please keep...
  18. Hyo

    MODS Hyo's Hyper Realistic Gameplay Mod V10 (SGC/SF) TU18.2 (NEW RELEASE)

    Everytime I watch this clip, I think that I like it at the end