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Search results for query: *

  1. S

    Request for conversion face / head model

    I am urgently looking for someone who will convert E. Olisadebe's face from fifa08 (hidden player) to pes/efootball or fc24/25. It's mainly about the 3D model of the head and face. Of course, for a fee (I will pay well). Please contact me via private mail.
  2. S

    FC 25 to F16 Face conversions

    Thank you for the answer, but I thought (somewhere on the Internet there was information that Blaszczykowski no longer has a face in FC25) and the last one in FIFA21 or 22. Besides, I mean the original "clean" ea sports files, not converted to another version. But thanks for your help and time...
  3. S

    FC 25 to F16 Face conversions

    Sorry, from fifa20 note fifa22
  4. S

    FC 25 to F16 Face conversions

    Hello, I'm very sorry, but I have an unusual request. Could I ask you for the face files of Jakub Blaszczykowski and Marci Wasilewski from fifa22? I don't own this game and I really care about these faces (I'm looking for someone who will convert them to pes for me). Thank you very much in...
  5. S

    FACES EA FC 25 - Faces by maquiavelo40 - PS5

    Thanks for Your answer. All best
  6. S

    LOW-QUALITY FACE by Silnysilacz

    Hello, question - are you planning to make a face for FC25? I would be very interested in Olisadebe's face made by you. Regards.
  7. S

    FACES EA FC 25 - Faces by maquiavelo40 - PS5

    Great faces. Can I ask you for information whether it is possible to edit a face made in Creation Center Pro Clubs, e.g. in another program (like Blender)? This is how you edit an original ea sports face, e.g. a scanned one (I mean, is what we create, e.g. your Cisse, saved somewhere (3D model...
  8. S

    Request - Emmanuel Olisadebe files

    Hello, I would like to make a huge and perhaps strange request - if anyone still has files of the face of Emmanuel Olisadebe - Polish national team, please share them with me. Unfortunately, I don't know the player's ID, and I can't determine the ID because I don't have the game and I can't use...