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  1. T

    Longest run without conceding a goal?

    Yea mine was something like 17 games, most goals i let in are free kicks or penaltys though. My backline was Sergio Ramos Hubschman Bonera Placente Renato That was was defenders and dm too. I was Sevilla by the way.
  2. T

    tactics against "big" teams?

    In the match go to your teams tactics click on your player instructions for whichever player then on marking bring it down and it will say specific go to that and pic the player you want to mark. You need to set up specific marking in the match screen before it starts. Hope that helps if not...
  3. T

    FM Screenshot Showoff

    He is an AMC in my game:confused: Might be cause of the update i have in my game but in real life i thought he was an AMC too? Btw is any one else anoyyed by this 3 foriegn player rule limit in Spain?:confused: Its starting to piss me off.
  4. T

    FM Screenshot Showoff

    Oh yea he is my leading goal scorer, i just love the guy:hump: He scores some of the best goals i have ever seen on FM.
  5. T

    FM Screenshot Showoff

    Well this is how that match ended:crazyboy: :| I thought they would be at least decent but man they sucked, the most easiest cup iv won by far. Damn Jesuli could have made it 11:kader:
  6. T

    FM Screenshot Showoff

    Well i havent really played any FM game for more than 1 season but i never knew that there was such a cup??:confused:
  7. T

    ffs! Long Shots!!

    I dont think there too difficult either just i think they have the best long shots whenever they score aginst me its a long shot mostly from Nedved:(
  8. T

    ffs! Long Shots!!

    SO true he was my 2nd leading scorer last year and was out for 4 months too:p He once scored 4 screamers in one match(H) I think Juventus is the best at long shots everytime i face them it seems like all there mids can score from anywhere:kader:
  9. T

    transfer budget going crazy?

    Acctually in real life Real Madrid are not indebt they just got a new transfer budget for next season of like a 120 million Euros:o Also In FM if your in 2nd or 1st they raise your transfer buget from 50 something million at the start to 120 million so that should ansrew your question...
  10. T

    help! why do defense play bad!!!!!

    I was just wondering what does everyone here set there defensive line to? I have it to the first tick of push up so i was just wondering what everyone else uses.
  11. T

    help! why do defense play bad!!!!!

    Yea i also play zonal marking for my defenders. Also for closing down i have the D's and DM to own area and Mids and F's to All over and that seems to work really well. I dont click the tight marking option.
  12. T

    FM Screenshot Showoff

    Season going excellent so far, and Julio Baptista is a beast:mrpimp:
  13. T

    FM05 Condition Merry-go-round

    Yea the fitness in FM 05 gets really anoyying most of my attacking players are at 70% or below at half-time in most of my matches but i dont have the problem your talking about. Most of my players are 95-100% before the match though. Its just that in the match they get very tired very quickly...
  14. T

    FM Screenshot Showoff

    Go ahead and send it to me please, i like how your tactic looks and i would like to give it a try [email protected]
  15. T

    SG Utd Screenshot Showoff

    Haha 2 Afgans on the team(H) Afgansitan to win World Cup 2006 and everyother World Cup after that :mrpimp: :hump:
  16. T

    The world is gonna end...(Mayan myth)

    Im with Virgo on this one **** God and all that bull****, the world will end when the Suns explods in 5 billion years, which is proven that it will happen.
  17. T

    Guess who

    Yep thats right, nice job next one i get will be hard(H) Aight go ahead a post a player. Also heres the pic of him
  18. T

    Project X Tactic

    Thats what i was trying to tell him, its not hard when you have a worldclass squad.