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  1. P

    Vista screensaving

    Go to Power Setting and change the Monitor Switches OFF setting :)
  2. P

    USB Gamepads on Vista -> HELP PLEASE

    Mate i have 2 PS2 Joypads connected to my PC through USB Converter on Vista Ultimate and it runs perfectly. It is not Vista's fault. I think it might be a Driver issue. Don't install the Vista Default Driver but the Driver CD that comes with the Converter. Also go to settings and remove...
  3. P

    Welcome to PES2008 - See the Potential

    I don't use Manual Pass to shoot, but i use it from Fouls. If i just press Pass and my player is being marked then it will be intercepted. So i use Manual Pass with Right Analogue Stick to pass it Back or Sideways where there are free players
  4. P

    Welcome to PES2008 - See the Potential

    Seen quite a lot of negativity towards the PES2008 but i think apart from few glitches this game rocks Here i made a Video playing the Demo. Skills goals and stuff. Hopefully it will make you grab your Joypad and start playing it ! Welcome to PES2008 Enjoy
  5. P

    PES6 PC-Sold out???

    I don't think you even bothere to do some research ! http://www.game.co.uk/ViewProduct.aspx?cat=11233&mid=330809 Game still sells it !
  6. P

    Xtreme R2 Shooting by Petrit

    There is quite a lot of Factors involved: Player momentum... should be shooting diagonally accross the goal! The "Curl" ability matters for the curl. Shot Technique and also a good aim with the D-Pad into the Corner :)
  7. P

    Xtreme R2 Shooting by Petrit

    Ok bois and girls Here is my Shooting at its best, watch the beautiful, slick and damn right cool goals with . It's one of my best areas in PES6. In the words of Mohammad Ali "I move like a fly and Sting like a Bee" :) ML goals with Arsenal on Top Player, the rest are against Friends ! I...
  8. P

    Top20 'PES6 Style' by Petrit

    Thx guys.... Glad you liked it
  9. P

    RealTime oWnage by Petrit

    When i pass with my Midfielders... i use L1 (or R2) to make them run towards the goal and join the attack once they make a pass ...
  10. P

    Top20 'PES6 Style' by Petrit

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some of my best offline goals... against Top Player in ML with Arsenal, against Friends and stuff... Watch it here: YouTube Some of my criterias for choosing the goals in order ! 1. Goals Against human...
  11. P

    RealTime oWnage by Petrit

    Po :bob: Banoj né Londér
  12. P

    // Pro6 / BBC Goal Of The Month Style //

    Goals were average but the Video was unique, orginial and well put together with the commentary' Good job
  13. P

    "SuperCancel Faint" InDepth PES6 Guide !

    Sorry to reply this late but... there is only a SuperCancel move on the Piggyback guide but no SCF. SuperCancelFeint is an advanced move using SuperCancel.
  14. P

    PES6: The Free Kick Guide *Video*

    Your Welcome... hope peeps keep watching it and learn from it ! :)
  15. P

    PES6 Gems_The Return by goal_machine84

    Great Video :bob: :lui:
  16. P

    "SuperCancel Faint" InDepth PES6 Guide !

    I honestly don't, never player PES on X-Box. If anyone else could help that would be great !
  17. P

    PES6: The Free Kick Guide *Video*

    Since i scored all those FKs in the Video :) using those Methods
  18. P

    PES6: The Free Kick Guide *Video*

    Enjoy Video Guide Not gonna explain it with words cuz it takes me too long so just watch the Video Guide !
  19. P

    RealTime oWnage by Petrit

    Fantastic point:lui: ... if only i was to be employed by Konami !
  20. P

    RealTime oWnage by Petrit

    Here is my first compilation containing only RealTime goals using my Arsenal ML against Top Player Watch as i destroy the AI with some Blistering Counter Attacks, smooth passing and finishing... YouTube Link First time i done a video of this Format... so let me know what you think ...