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  1. A

    The Regen Test

    why? are you a moderator?
  2. A

    Has anyone here played cm4, or cm 03/04 until the year 2050

    Once I went on vacation and left my computer simulating CM games. It took me 30 years forward in time. I use that simulation for future predictions for my football betting addiction.
  3. A

    Have WE7, thinking about picking up FIFA

    Euro 2004 = waste of money you might as well wipe your ass with the game, that's how useless it is
  4. A

    kits bug

    PES 3 on PC with proevolionline.com patch however i wasn't able to find the correct option file for the rosters
  5. A

    kits bug

    in master league when i play against a team, we both have the same kits and same players in the enterance cinematic however when i start playing it goes back to normal wtf is wrong?
  6. A


    The exact same thing happened to me with Gustavo Lopez, but he managed to blast the ball over the net. What patches are you guys using?
  7. A

    WE7I vs. PES 3

    How does WE7I differ from PES 3? Is it worth to upgrade from PES 3?
  8. A


    does any1 else here use defualt?
  9. A

    Um...what is the 2nd CD for the PC version of WE7I used for?

    What is WE7I? Is it the Japanese version of PES 3?
  10. A

    EA contracts several konami developers!

    My opinion: EA are scums.
  11. A

    WE8 and PES4 screenshots

    FIFA looks craptacular, everything looks laminated and it doesn't even look like that on my computer. On my computer the graphics in FIFA 2004 look all smudged. On my computer PES 3 looks better, runs faster, is more fun to play, and has a fraction of the bugs compared to FIFA 2004 and EURO 2004.
  12. A

    stupid lobs

    I use keyboard.
  13. A

    CM LEGENDS THREAD (Tsigalko et al)

    Far from being a CM Legend, but it's Kamil Kosowski and his new Jesus look. I think it's the coolest thing ever.
  14. A

    stupid lobs

    whenever i try to take an accurate, not very powerfull shot the player makes a lob instead of taking a shot, wtf?????? this has cost me many goals!!!!! how the hell do i disable it
  15. A

    Kit Number Colors

    How do I change the kit number colors after installing a megapatch?? Some of the kits have inproper colors, for example white number on white shorts.
  16. A

    CM LEGENDS THREAD (Tsigalko et al)

    Just out of curiosity, is Maxim Tsigalko a good player in real life?
  17. A

    Pes Center - new site of Pes

    great site, adding to favorites