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  1. F

    PC DEMO first impressions

    Cant agree more!i love the exact animations of side referees a lot! By the way,if you have a good enough computer,you will find a much more graphic!
  2. F

    How do you like FIFA08 demo?

    just feel obliged to reply to a chinese.r my girl friend doesnt play any of games.the first word she saw me playing fifa was:what a big head!!! then i turned to pes,she says:this game is oriented from reality.... Indeed,i really cant find much progress since fifa04.fifa 08 still cant...
  3. F

    PES6 Ultimate Superb Goal Mix TOP99X

    how to download?cant wait to see because of comments above!
  4. F

    ##Magija## PES6 Compilation

    a little suggestion:the pace seems to be very slow.and as you know,not that exciting.anyway,it is very good.
  5. F

    ##Magija## PES6 Compilation

    nice video and i will preserve it forever
  6. F

    After Years Of PES On My PC , I Could Be Going Back To FIFA

    EvoWeb = adult discussion no doubt fifa is ADULT game,and not for any of good people.
  7. F

    Why people play FIFa?Its a game for the kids,see atachments to get proof.

    how to view all the pictures ? by the way,i think pes is no way to lose to fifa except for licesens. Anyway,patches make pes much more better and i now cant think of a pes version without kitsever.
  8. F

    PES6 & WE10 work together online?

    i once found pes6 on amazon which should have shipped to US
  9. F

    PES6 & WE10 work together online?

    a worse answer from #4
  10. F

    PES6 & WE10 work together online?

    come on. I bought a Ps2 77006 belonging to Hongkong version.Then bought a pes6. In the end i can t play pes6 online.cause pes6 online play is only availble for europe..damn
  11. F

    Any way i can apply kitsever to my pes6 on ps2?

    anyone can help me with it? thanx in advance
  12. F

    China disappears in PES6???

    Glad to know here is someone who still concerns about china. WECN and EPT make create china team soon in the next version of patch.
  13. F

    Stadium Server

    update yourkitsever to the newest version
  14. F

    Stadium Server

    dam n it is monday today
  15. F

    [pes5pc] nt89.net team - stadiums 3D

    nt89 can you rename all of stadiums you made and pack them and release them?
  16. F

    DOWNLOAD - Rhein-Energie-Stadium Cologne

    extremely good !! i like it very much
  17. F

    Stadium Server

    nt89 said he will rename the stadium files and pack them all and release them!