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  1. M

    FIFA 06 Nintendo DS News?

    thanks for the link (i cant think why i forgot to check IGN) it looks quite good i think it deserves a place in DS Collection
  2. M

    FIFA 06 Nintendo DS News?

    as a DS owner with a below par PC i am intrested in buying FIFA 06 for my Nintendo DS but i was wondering if there any screenshots or indiactions of what the game will look like e.g. will it look the same as gba edition or will it be 3D, im not to worried about teams at this stage although if...
  3. M

    Screenshot Showoff

    looks like the FA had a change of heart
  4. M

    final fifa99 online update

    while FIFA 99 was probably one of the better FIFA games that seemed to focus more on gameplay rather then graphics, overall like all FIFA games it has no real lasting quality to it its nothing unique
  5. M

    top 3 previous FIFA's

    the 3 best FIFA games are 1. World Cup '98 - probably the FIFA game i had the most fun with 2. FIFA 2000 - felt it was quite unique, shame i have windows 2000 so i cant play it 3. FA Premier League Stars 99-00 - felt it was again difffernt and i enjoyed it a lot when it was out...
  6. M

    FIFA 2005 GBA Edition ?

    thanks for the reply i brought the game and it is much better the 2004, being able to play as Torquay United makes it even more enjoyable also there are few more good moves you can do on this version great game made me actually use my gameboy again :)
  7. M

    FIFA 2005 GBA Edition ?

    i have FIFA 2004 for my GBA which is good fun but now there is FIFA 2005 of course and i was wondering if anyone here has played it and what are there thoughts ? having read a few reviews and so it does mention career mode (hope this includes transfers) also it has lots more teams and i was...
  8. M

    First thoughts on Demo

    looking forward to 5/11/04 ive had the demo since wednesday and i am pretty bored of it but im really looking forward to the actual game and cant wait :) the match engine is great i tend to play with pitch in the Right Side of the Split View, the actual layout is good to took me a bit of...
  9. M

    Fifa 2000 - Classic Edition ?

    i was just surfing gameplay.com and saw FIFA 2000 is out as an EA Classic and i just wondered if anyone knows if this version works on Windows 2000 ? i really want to play this game again but never have any luck getting my old copy to work on Windows 2000 so if anybody has it please let me...
  10. M

    Screenshot Showoff

    in my first season as Wolves in managed to win the FA Cup, while in division one where i missed out on a playoff spot on the last day which was hard to take but an FA Cup winners medal soon helped me over that
  11. M


    hi all just thought i would alert people to my website where i put my created games made with Games Factory only 3 games online at the moment but more are in progress :) www.m7games.cjb.net
  12. M

    CM4 and 03/04 Screenshot Showoff

    after 3 seasons i manage to get wolves a trophy after beating Newcastle on Penelties, now i can go back to the UEFA Cup where i reached the Semi Finals last time beating AC Milan
  13. M

    Um..a bit too young, don't you think?

    well to make sure even though i was certian it was edited that player is 20 not 3 but his stats are just as bad still though good old cm4, dodgy but i had a good game as sunderland on it once but i had to restart it quite a lot because the patches SI kept releasing
  14. M

    J-League Worth a Go

    im currently managing in Japan with Nagoya Grampus Eight and have just started the Closing Stage of the league its a good challange in Japan with only 3 non-japanese players on the pitch rule meaning you have to buy well which is why i have signed Tijjani and Lional Morgan and my 2 wingers with...
  15. M

    Um..a bit too young, don't you think?

    well although its hard to belive a 3 year old on the game and it could have easly been edited i did notice that it is from cm4 though which was full of all sorts of bugs so he may be playing with the game striaght out the box which could be why 3 year olds are playing football with good...
  16. M

    should i get FIFA 2003 ?

    i know this game isnt the latest FIFA but of course now it is only £10 as it is an EA Classic i would have got it when it came out but my graphics card wasnt up to it and still will just run it really but i downloaded the demo and it has made me want to buy it but before i do i have a few...
  17. M

    has anybody got FIFA 2000.....

    well i finally found my windows 2000 cd with Apcompat.exe on it and tried making the changes you said but it tells me to unload the debugger which i have no idea how to do any one help ? hope i can get it working cheers
  18. M

    Editor ???

    i remember a while downloading a good editor for WC02 which allowed you to add players and import faces and such but i cant find it anywhere anybody know where i can can get it ? cheers
  19. M

    has anybody got FIFA 2000.....

    i have got your patch galah and i have just installed directx 9 but im not exactly sure what Accomp is do i need to download it ? if so where can get from if i can get FIFA 2000 to work it will make my day cheers for any help
  20. M

    has anybody got FIFA 2000.....

    yeah i have tried that but with sadly no luck i just get the same thing i did previously with the game loading then have the screen flash and quit oh well i guess i have PES3 to keep me going for now :)