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  1. V

    2008 NBA transfers

    Maybe he wanted to live I dont know.But SHACK was good at Miami.And marion at Phenix
  2. V

    USA v. Mexico - Feb. 6th [P & R]

    The Americans will definitely win
  3. V

    Premier League Abroad?

  4. V

    Last movie you watched

    I am watching MS Bin,its funny
  5. V

    F1 Prediction League 2007

  6. V

    F1 Prediction League 2007

    Ferary are the best!!!! 1.Masa 2.Raikonen
  7. V

    2008 NBA transfers

    One of the most unexpected transfer is changing players between Phenix (Marion) and Miami (O'Neil) what do you think about this? :Carlos*o:
  8. V

    Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 Goals

    shoot with your best player and you will score
  9. V

    Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 Goals

    pass and you will score
  10. V

    Beyonce Knowles

    Why all of you don't like Beyonce? She has very good songs in this 3-4 years. And this new country album will be like refreshment. Thats all from me.
  11. V

    rare kit thread

  12. V

    rare kit thread

    very good
  13. V

    rare kit thread

    there good
  14. V

    rare kit thread

    there perfect
  15. V

    The ball disappeared!

    maby it wasnt the shadow ofthe ball
  16. V

    UEFA EURO 2008 Officially Announced !

    Perfect, perctly good
  17. V

    ..:: UEFA EURO 08 FINALE Patch MODE ::..

    PES 08 rock FIFA08 Red Devils perfect patch
  18. V

    ..:: UEFA EURO 08 FINALE Patch MODE ::..

    I love them all
  19. V

    ..:: UEFA EURO 08 FINALE Patch MODE ::..

    I love the power