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Search results for query: *

  1. J

    ECC / EFA Manager Mode ?

    I've searched all over the net and can't find exactly what I'm looking for, hopefully one of you guys can sort me out. When playing in manager mode what league's qualify for the ECC and EFA. It seems you can't get into the cups with Sweeden, Norway & Ireland. Who else ? I'm in the...
  2. J

    Concacaf Forum 07

    You should wait a few weeks...MLS will be putting out the new jersey's soon (sponsors on the front). Real Salt Lake just announced their's. New Kit
  3. J

    Concacaf Forum 07

    Canadian League - CISL or USL- Div.1 (Vancouver & Montreal) USL- PDL - Ottawa & Toronto
  4. J

    Rest of the World ?

    cheers thanks.... rather soft list.... some day hopefully they will put in a few clubs from the J-League, Russia and A League... be nice to see each club from the Club Championship, like Saprissa
  5. J

    Rest of the World ?

    Anyone know what the rest of the world club teams will be ?
  6. J

    Logo Help....

  7. J

    43 new faces for your FIFA 06!

    Nice to see someone tinker with the MLS players
  8. J

    Updated WE9 Liveware rosters?

    is it available yet ?
  9. J

    If FIFA 2007 had a Classics League/Mode, which teams would you want in the game?

    Liverpool 80's Arsenal 00's Cosmos 70's DC Utd '97 AC Milan '90's Real Madrid (Puskas years ) Dynamo Kiev 60's Santos (Pele years) Man Utd. (Treble year ) Ajax (Johan years) Bayern Munich ( early 90's ) Personally I'd rather see the disk space be taken up by current time clubs.
  10. J

    Major League Soccer, MLS, in FIFA 06

    There should be something done for updates this season. Almost every game for EA you can download updated rosters..Fifa needs to be no different, especially considering the MLS is always one year behind. Makes no sense to market an out of date product. Players need to be fine tuned a...
  11. J

    Get notcied by scouts...

  12. J

    Who plays ?

    respect... sorry about that
  13. J

    Who plays ?

    Who on here plays soccer on the pitch and not just video games ? What league/level, etc.. ?
  14. J

    PES5 - Jay's Editing

    nice job
  15. J


    very nice... do you create these by yourself ? you should make a canadian one for your country... put radzinski,hume & Stalteri on it.
  16. J

    New Kits 2006/2007

    Love the Liverpool Euro away.... looks like our old green one's from '97 but in a new design.
  17. J

    Champ Manager ?

    Which year if any, could you play with clubs from the United Soccer League in North America ? I play 00/01 but I can't controll any of the USL clubs in this version nor the 99/00 version... was curious to know if I was able to use them in any later versions. --cheers
  18. J

    National Teams Kits

    Very cool... nice to see some African pride....Uganda looks great..love to a 3rd kit for Kenya of your own design.