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  1. L

    Pes 09 Trailer

    yeah it looks the same as pes2008 but i really hope it isnt lol
  2. L

    PES 2008 ps2

    I think it does it automaticly
  3. L

    Ronaldo Heel chop

    I dont think you can
  4. L

    Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 Goals

    lol nice team work and good finish
  5. L

    Ronaldo Heel chop

    I did it with Ronaldinho im sure he can do it
  6. L

    Embed YouTube Movies into Posts

    Great find man
  7. L

    PES2008: Master League issues

    I got another bug i put the classic players/hidden players off and i start a master league and i can see classic players setting is on is it a bug or a problem
  8. L

    Save Space

    Record teh goals and then put them in the safe place then delete the goals you have saved
  9. L

    cant find Registration code

    Mate try this code 9MWS-PXJE-RL56-RC2M-F5MX and if it doesnt work tell me ok?
  10. L

    Being honest

    Well im playing pro 2008 for ps2 and i find it amazing but i played it for ps3 and i dont really like it that much
  11. L

    League/Cup Names and Logos?

    Do you know how to make arsenal badge and if you do could you explain how to.thanks
  12. L

    League/Cup Names and Logos?

    WEll i got this site http://www.sakax2.com/grid/badge/premiership/01.html tell me if this helped you and do you know how to make badges its very hard for ps2 version :(
  13. L

    My Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 goals Secend video

    Sorry i didnt mean to put 2 threads in sorry evrybody:(
  14. L

    Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 goals 2nd video

    This is My secend video in pes2008 video.And please if you see it tell me waht did you think about it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhQ7ZiOPTLk thanks :)
  15. L

    My Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 goals Secend video

    This is My secend video in pes2008 video.And please if you see it tell me waht did you think about it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhQ7ZiOPTLk thanks :)
  16. L

    Question for PES 2008 Master League

    You need to buy this thing in pes shop i think its called "master league point 50000"im not sure.But the way to find out is going to pes shop and go to the bottom and you should see it :D
  17. L

    PEs2008 vs PES6

    Pro evolution soccer 2008 is better.
  18. L

    How to defence free kick in PES 2008?

    There is nothing you can do.Konami made free kicks far to easy.But on ps2 version is very hard to score a free kick
  19. L

    Does anyone know

    Does anyone know were i can get real names for classic teams and players names.And were can i get explained how to make badges for pes2008 and kits.Thanks
  20. L

    Ronaldo Heel chop

    Ronaldinho can do it