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  1. L

    [DOWNLOAD] Classic Patch 16 v4.0

    Hello, spectacular patch but I found a problem, Ronaldo is headless in Milan in 2007 and 2008
  2. L

    Squads World Cup mode

    How do I change the World Cup Mode squads offline? I found a squads file on the internet but for some reason it doesn't recognize it and the file name is correct.
  3. L

    FIFA WC 2006 Plugins Loader & Asset Loader

    I just tested with more executables, it's not the size you want, but the same problem occurs
  4. L

    FIFA WC 2006 Plugins Loader & Asset Loader

    In FIFA 07 it opens but when I start a match it closes, in WC2006 it closes right after creating the profile, both wouldn't even open without the plugin
  5. L

    FIFA WC 2006 Plugins Loader & Asset Loader

    Hello @Dmitri, I think you can help me with a more modern machine with xeon 2650-v4 and rx 5500xt, and FIFAs 07 and WC 2006 had an initialization problem where the black screen only appears and the game closes, with FIFA 07 I managed solve it just by putting your ASI loader, with WC 2006 I put...
  6. L

    Crashing on Launch?

    Did you manage to solve it? I'm having the same problem
  7. L

    FIFA 23 Old Update

    Does anyone have a version of FIFA 23 before the World Cup update, if so could you please share it with me, it can be any update as long as it is before the World Cup update
  8. L

    FIFA23 212 NTs RTWC/Road to Euro/Copa America mod

    How did you manage to enable the Brazilian team in friendly mode?
  9. L

    Impossible Transfers in Career Mode

    I found it!! this configuration is in the player_grudgelove table where the player ID and the team ID that the player cannot transfer appear in, so I simply changed all the values in the table to 0 and then regenerated FIFA, after that I managed to sign Cristiano Ronaldo for Barcelona to prove
  10. L

    Impossible Transfers in Career Mode

    Hello, I was wondering if there was any way to change how a certain player responds to contract proposals in career mode, for example Cristiano Ronaldo is not going to Barcelona at all because he is the main rival, from what I saw, this happened from the FIFA 13 to FIFA 17 and he always responds...
  11. L

    FIFA Console Editing - PS3 (X360)

    For ps3 I would like to enable
  12. L

    FIFA Console Editing - PS3 (X360)

    Hello, I would like to know if anyone has discovered any way to unlock the items in the catalog since today we no longer have access to the servers and also if there is any way to enable those extra challenges and the 2014 World Cup challenges in the 2014 FIFA World game cup, I play on the ps3...
  13. L

    FIFA dbs since FIFA 98 (download)

  14. L

    FIFA dbs since FIFA 98 (download)

    I found the latest FIFA World Cup 2010 squad update to play on PS3 and RPCS3, are you interested?
  15. L

    FIFA dbs since FIFA 98 (download)

    Can I use it on the PS3 emulator? And if so, how do I apply it?
  16. L

    FIFA dbs since FIFA 98 (download)

    Is the FIFA 10 World Cup squad update for the World Cup game or for the original FIFA 10? and also how do I import it into my game?
  17. L

    FIFA Xbox 360 exclusives

    I hope that one day I will be able to run these exclusives on the emulator
  18. L

    FIFA Xbox 360 exclusives

    There is also the UEFA Champions League 2006-2007, I remembered now
  19. L

    FIFA Xbox 360 exclusives

    Is there any Xbox 360 emulator that runs the console's exclusive FIFA like FIFA 2006 RTWC, 2006 FIFA World Cup and FIFA 07? Xenia which is the most famous emulator, these versions are not playable
  20. L

    How to fix XBOX 360 controller in 2006 FIFA World Cup?

    Hello @Skoczek, after all this time, were you able to fix it?