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  1. L

    AFS2FS: Kitserver module for easy BIN-management

    yes, yes i got i sorted yesterday anyway. i asked for help too soon :P thanks anyway though i converted to wav with magic video converter 8 (awesome program, torrent it!) and then to adx with dkz studio 0.92B when i imported however, the songs only came out through one speaker turns...
  2. L

    MP3 To ADF Converter (pes5 music editing)

    It would appear the download link has expired. Can anyone else PLEASE upload this program to filefront, speedyshare or whatever.
  3. L

    AFS2FS: Kitserver module for easy BIN-management

    Hi, just to clarify, when importing music files via kitserver's new easy BIN-management feature, do the files HAVE to be in .adx format? If so, what program(s) can one use to convert .mp3 to .adx? Please help, thanks
  4. L

    AFS2FS: Kitserver module for easy BIN-management

    how can you have the .adx files tagged so they're fine in the game? :S
  5. L

    The most accurate thing out?

    I bought this from ebay the other day: in my opinion its the best thing out at the moment. I downloaded the Bundesliga patch but i don't think it was as good. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=330202949814&ssPageName=STRK:MESE:IT&ih=014 i recommend it if anyone...
  6. L

    USB Gamepads on Vista -> HELP PLEASE

    the adaptor's aren't laggy, and how am i being tight you silly fucking noob. i'm saving lots of monies here, and i can use 2 controllers at once for this small price. gamepads have shit buttons, whether they look nice or not, and cost at least £10-15 pound EACH
  7. L

    Pes 2008 Pc Patch 1.20 Is Out!!!

    cheers charch (Y)
  8. L

    Official Arsenal Thread [2007/2008]

    we won't win the league if we get that for the remainder of the season. anyway, in arsenal's defence, to sum up why we lost - three words: ALEX, CESC & MATHIEU [missing] we really need them next week. gilberto is appauling. as is eduardo. 8 flipping million.
  9. L

    Pes 2008 Pc Patch 1.20 Is Out!!!

    that still doesn't really answer my question (:/) can somebody, please, do so.
  10. L

    Pes 2008 Pc Patch 1.20 Is Out!!!

    if you don't install patch 1.1 though are you missing out on anything or does 1.2 contain the features of the first patch also?
  11. L

    PC Patch to change xbox buttons

    arsenal :mad: does this thread say anything about wanting to play with an xbox 360 controller? NO. GRRRRRRRR
  12. L

    Decent Video card that can handle current games

    out of interest, i have just got a new vista entertainment pc is directx 10 automatically on it, cuz i can't find a download link on the microsoft website i'm guessing it's an in-built thing, given that it's exclusive to vista
  13. L

    PC Patch to change xbox buttons

    yeh i'm after this as well.. on the subject of this, MasterZ, do you play with your ps2 controllers on vista? if so can you link me to the adapter you use please tarrr
  14. L

    USB Gamepads on Vista -> HELP PLEASE

    ok - firstly - it is not "identical" to the official ps2 controller at all, that's a noobish thing to say. secondly - £25 for ONE controller is a joke. and finally - i want 2 so i can play a mate obv!!! so how's about i just spend 5 pounds on amazon getting a ps2 gamepad to usb adaptor that is...
  15. L

    USB Gamepads on Vista -> HELP PLEASE

    note it works perfectly on my 6-month-old acer laptop which could've been vista (had the view to a free upgrade) but we stuck with windows media center edition which was already on it
  16. L

    USB Gamepads on Vista -> HELP PLEASE

    ok so i have a joytech ps2 controller to usb adaptor which i purchased off play.com about 18 months ago, now - can someone help me find a reason as to why this won't work on vista? i'm thinking that probably it's not compatible with vista.. since vista wasn't out then so... can someone...
  17. L

    Pes 2008 Pc Patch 1.20 Is Out!!!

    erm... i've just this week got a new vista entertainment pc and when i try and install this patch, unlike on my other computer, it says that i need permission to run the patch installer from my administrator even though i myself am the admin. wtf :confused: can anyone help?
  18. L

    challenge training..

    HOW?! there's a picture of thierry doing challenge free kick training, and you can't fucking do it on the game! do you have to unlock or something? if so by doing/completing what?
  19. L

    Official Arsenal Thread [2007/2008]

    ah i know it's majorly comfortable for us but i hate it when lino's get decisions like that so wrong :@