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  1. S

    Saved files Windows 7 to XP/VICE VERSA

    Hey guys i play football manager on two computers, my home desktop and my laptop. both are windows 7 and when im using my laptop away from home i save my fm saved game on my usb stick and when i want play it on any other computer i can load up the saved game and carry on. however my one...
  2. S

    FM 2011 masking question

    No sorry my mistake, i had picked 'view only' for the Norwegian league instead of playable. now i can see it. cheers
  3. S

    FM 2011 masking question

    i tried loading the different leagues but it didnt work. and it was already on large database. how do you load certain individuals?
  4. S

    FM 2011 masking question

    Hey guys I have a question which has always bugged me but finally annoyed me last night as to why it happens. Why are some players/staff in the actual database e.g editior but when you come to start a game they arnt in the game even with 'attribute masking ticked off' for example i...
  5. S

    Is anyone interested in buying a second hand homebuilt computer?

    Hey people. I am trying to sell a homebuilt computer (not built by me). I have it listed on ebay (link below). Thought i would try and get more interest through here. I am pretty desperate to get rid of it, so any interest from friends, family let me know Cheers...
  6. S

    Check out my ebay items!

    Hey guys and girls!. Dont know if im allowed to do this but i shall see! please check out my ebay items for sale below. am desperate to get rid! http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/magicsmiler/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=25&_trksid=p3692
  7. S

    Changing manager name??

    Hi Is there anyway of changing your manager name and details in FM2011?
  8. S

    Exception Processing Message Error!! Please help

    Please could someone provide me with assistance with a problem. Heres the story: I bought a Laptop with Windows 7 and I started playing Football Manager 2011. I then purchased a desktop PC with Windows XP. A few weeks ago i installed the game on my PC and transfered the saved game files from my...
  9. S

    The England National team thread

    James has been the best goalkeeper in the premiership for the past 2 seasons, okay he has ****ed up in the past but i think this time he will prove everyone wrong if he keeps his place.
  10. S

    The England National team thread

    The Real Capello Has Spoken Harsh words from Fabio, that wont have done David James' confidence much good. England boss Fabio Capello has admitted the number of foreign players in the Premier League has meant 'the pool is reduced' when it comes to squad selection Capello is likely to...
  11. S

    Playstation 2 Problem!

    Hey!. I need sum feedback please. I recently purchased a pre owned original Playstation 2 from Gamestation. It was part of a package coming with 2 games. I purchased WRC: Rally Evolved and Gran Turismo 4. I have encountered a problem though. WRC: Rally Evolved works fine, but Gran Turismo 4...
  12. S

    Uninstall Problem

    Hi guys Wondered if you can help me out. Can someone tell me why i cannot uninstall Fifa 07 from my computer? It doesnt respond at all, ive tried unistalling it from start menu and from folder where its installed and even in control panel under add/remove programs it doesnt even appear to be...
  13. S

    First impressions

    Okay first of all, i am aware that the game is based on more things than potential, i didnt say i was just editing potential. Secondly Yes i am sayin that i think Hargreaves will become better. This is my opinion, obviously you have yours. Enough said. So before you start throwing abuse at...
  14. S

    First impressions

    Certanly. things such as potential, and various other stats, i cant remember all players, but players including: Hargreaves Tevez Vidic Ben Foster Elano Kameni Barry Gareth Bale Berbatov Joe Cole Anderson Nani David Bently Milner Martins
  15. S

    First impressions

    This is a good game but the only downfall with it is the stats for certain players, some of them are way off. Ive just had to spend an hour changing them in the editor. There is also a severe lack of player pictures in the game, theres only the spanish league and David Beckham!. Apart from the...
  16. S

    Manchester United Thread [2007/2008]

    oh rite Sorry im not actually watching it, im listening on radio lol. Wot formation we playin now?
  17. S

    Manchester United Thread [2007/2008]

    Looks like were goin for a 'safe' 1-0 win. Tevez off for fletcher. That makes a whole ******* lot of sense, not having a striker on the pitch
  18. S

    Manchester United Thread [2007/2008]

    Fergie will regret the sales of Rossi & Smith if we dont manage to get Tevez for whatever reason. Its a stupid move in my opinion selling one of our hottest prospects and a player who hasnt managed to show his true worth to the team cos of injury.
  19. S

    Any help on Newspaper articles?

  20. S

    Manchester United Thread [2007/2008]

    its been reported on a few websites and newspapers actually