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Search results for query: *

  1. F

    SCOREBOARDS "danilolisb" 4K Scoreboards and TV Logos

    Please update to TU5, my friend... Thanks for your work.
  2. F

    MODS IEM 24 (Current Status : Public Downloadable Beta Test 2)

    I think you can make the transfers with Live Editor. It's easy... checkout for youtube tutorials.
  3. F

    MODS IEM 24 (Current Status : Public Downloadable Beta Test 2)

    Amazing work. Adds tons of new National Teams. Not compatible with brazilian portuguese, though. It works but the names of national teams are wrong. Except for that, works perfectly.
  4. F

    National Teams Mod Expansion

    Do you guys know about this mod... https://www.nexusmods.com/eafc24/mods/122 It suits me quite well.
  5. F

    FIFA23 KO`s Scoreboards

    I understand. Hope you could team up with someone that can do it.
  6. F

    FIFA23 KO`s Scoreboards

    Nice work! Isn't it possible to add the flags?
  7. F

    FIFA23 KO`s Scoreboards

    Nice work! Isn't it possible to add the flags?
  8. F

    FIFA Editing Toolsuite for FIFA 23

    It was only functional while playing with origin untill TU#2. After updates #3 and #4 I can't tell if there is any change.
  9. F

    FIFA22 World Cup Qatar theme for TU11

    @Dominn98 This one too, my friend. Please. TU#15. Thanks in advance.
  10. F

    FIFA22 National Flag Mod on ENT

    @Dominn98 TU#15, please? Thanks a lot!
  11. F

    FIFA22 National Flag Mod on ENT

    @paul2008me123 Love your Mod. Could you please update it to TU#14? Thanks.
  12. F

    Reality MOD 9.3 (AI MOTION 9.3)

    @chanchaeng Love your Mod. Could you please update it to TU#14? Thanks.
  13. F

    FIFA22 World Cup Qatar theme for TU11

    @paul2008me123 Love your Mod. Could you please update it to TU#14? Thanks.
  14. F

    Classic mod

    Alright. That's reasonable. Thanks for you honest answer. Will keep hoping someone is able to do that. Thanks for your work.
  15. F

    Classic mod

    @rhapsoad Hi friend. I simply love your classic mod. I did myself a mixed squad file with greatest players of each clube. I also lined up National Teams with classic players, so I was wondering if you would be willing to add national teams classic jerseys, to make it even more special. I had the...
  16. F

    Classic mod

    Congrats on your work, pal. Can we get Faces 3.13 upgraded to Title Update 11? Thanks.
  17. F

    Jgp 16

    THANK YOU, MATE! That sure solved the damn thing. Finally! Awesome job! Can't belive that anoying thing was caused by those stupid three files.
  18. F

    Jgp 16

    Got it to work! It was actually a dumb mistake I was making. When importing the "fifaGameSettings.txt" file you uploaded, you MUST select the same item (fifaGameSettings) on the left menu before importing. I was trying to import "fifaGameSettings" into "version" (as you can see in the picture...
  19. F

    Jgp 16

    Same thing, mate. Donwloaded from your link and tried it out. Same problem. One thing to notice is that on "About Info", software version is described as 14. See on the link below:
  20. F

    Jgp 16

    Looking for DB Master 15 but can't find it anywhere. Installed a supposed-to-be 15 version but it was described as 14 in the software "about" option in the menu. (Is that clear?) I'm out on a never ending quest to find it!