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  1. R

    Game crashing!

    try erasing the fifa 07 folder in My Documents and then run the game (obviously, previous saved changes will be lost but the crashing should stop and the patch should be ok)
  2. R

    Tips & Tricks

    if you press up (left analog stick) the shot will be lower but stonger. if you press down (left analog stick) the shot will be higher but not as strong. the ideal would be somewhere in the middle (depending where you're shooting from) not to hit the barrier and to beat the GK. With the right...
  3. R

    Which camera??

    like it is: sideline! but if i could zoom out a bit it would be much better ea keeps doing the same thing!!! the game doesnt have to look like pes to be good! it is great now! but they need to be more flexible with the cameras
  4. R

    Tips & Tricks

    previously someone talked about these moves i'm going to talk about but not very clearly (in my opinion). When not moving at all, If you press the button with which you hold the ball, and then you press any of the right analog stick direction, you'll see several fake movements. However, i...
  5. R

    sexy camera error

    oh thank u. that was really helpful!!!
  6. R

    sexy camera error

    can someone fix this?
  7. R

    The best camera ever !!!

    could someone fix the sexy camera, since it is so cool. it really sucks that ea doesnt give us the option to get the camera as we like! why is it that zoom out doesnt zoom out enough??? why do we always have to use someone's utility patch for this? year after year... i just cant understand!!!
  8. R

    Total Freedom at defence! Not only on attack

    Yeah, but i'm not talking about the autoswitching. That's even worse! I'm talking about manual switching with total liberty to pick the player you choose.
  9. R

    Total Freedom at defence! Not only on attack

    That should be an tactical option we should be able to choose. However, more agressive diferences = more tired defenders = more cards = more open spaces = more risks. That would then obligate to rethink tactis as well, so this could be used to one's benifit depending on the kind of...
  10. R

    Total Freedom at defence! Not only on attack

    Absolutely! The really important thing is to make it easy to switch to the player we want. And in a fast way too! Holding down the switching button whilst using the directional button seems a good thing also, and it is fitter for most of the gamepads and keyboards, that don't have a 2nd...
  11. R

    FIFA Street for PC

    There's more ppl in the world than you, you know. More quantity = more diversity =more options. What do you got to lose?
  12. R

    The most extensive request list

    Total Freedom at defence! Not only on attack I think there should be more freedom defending. It is for me a real problem sometimes to choose the right player to defend. I keep changing and changing and it seems the right player i want to choose is impossible to achive or it takes ages til i...
  13. R

    Your Wishes For Fifa2006

    Total Freedom at defence! Not only on attack I think there should be more freedom defending. It is for me a real problem sometimes to choose the right player to defend. I keep changing and changing and it seems the right player i want to choose is impossible to achive or it takes ages til i...
  14. R

    Total Freedom at defence! Not only on attack

    I think there should be more freedom defending. It is for me a real problem sometimes to choose the right player to defend. I keep switching and switching and it seems the right player i want to choose is impossible to achive or it takes ages til i get him. This becomes horrible, specially in...
  15. R


    we have to thanks to fuertflojo for that, and to the other guy that made the camera editing tool! they are the men!! Hope they help us out again with this game!
  16. R

    Portuguese Talk Radio and Speech !!!

    Tenham calma isto deve servir pagente ganhar com isto. na boa. e nao pa se chatearem por td e por nada. Na boa!...
  17. R

    Will somebody make a camera Editor for fifa 2005?!?!

    Hi 'fuerteflojo'. Sorry to bother ya. i know u must be really tired of listening to us all. but when it comes to camera editing you're the man!!! Here's my problem: after installing your camera patch, which i totally appreciate, the game crashes sometimes, specially on career games or...