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UPDATED 2024/25 Kits for FIFA 22!

Can u update real madrid home and away kit jersey numbers please....home kit jersey numbers are in blue it should be 'black' whereas in away kit the jersey numbers are white whereas it should be 'black'
Can u update real madrid home and away kit jersey numbers please....home kit jersey numbers are in blue it should be 'black' whereas in away kit the jersey numbers are white whereas it should be 'black'
You'll need to mod your competitionkits file for that, which isn't included in the mod. You'll notice this only happens in cup games, not league ones.
still waiting bro
Yeah, sorry dude (and everyone else who asked for it) - I haven't been able to work on the mod at all for the past few months, mainly due to a lot of work and eyesight problems, but you can try maybe adding your own fifa_ng.db files as a separate mod and adding them higher in the hierarchy list on FMM (for those who were talking about that)


Reserve Team
i actually want it without the fifa_eng files.. those files are conflicting with another mod...i dont have source code access to that other mod
OK. Well. I fixed my FIFA issue, and long story short... here's the final version of the mod (not excluding future bug fixes I might do in the future... one or two textures are still not as perfect as they could be; also let me know if you see anything incorrect!)

- Added Napoli third kit
- Added Empoli home, away and third kits
- Added Torino third kit
- Added Udinese third kit
- Added Genoa third kit
- Added Bologna third kit
- Added OGC Nice third kit
- Added Montpellier third kit
- Fixed minor texture issues

Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/0c1qubtntsxebo8/24-25+kits+for+FIFA+22+by+Bozif+(v32).zip/file
