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Patch Brazuka 21 (14 new leagues without replacing any other and 22 new National Teams + Realism and Gameplay Mod)


Club Supporter
THIS IS SUCH A GREAT WORK! Congratulations bro, have you ever tried to complete this mod with another one published here? I don't know, maybe one national teams mod or something?
Anyway, very nice project. I hope you can help me adding the mexican 2nd league someday, it would be awesome!

Patch Fifex

Club Supporter
THIS IS SUCH A GREAT WORK! Congratulations bro, have you ever tried to complete this mod with another one published here? I don't know, maybe one national teams mod or something?
Anyway, very nice project. I hope you can help me adding the mexican 2nd league someday, it would be awesome
If some modder want to join us we can put his work in our mod with no problem

Joe mindz Sallese

Club Supporter
What's the possibility of adding National Team tournaments?...Gold Cup, Nations League, etc..? Epic work either way, this looks absolutely amazing

Patch Fifex

Club Supporter
More one league add in the patch :D


  • imagem_2021-01-22_094656.png
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Patch Fifex

Club Supporter
Hello, the first version of the patch is very close to launch, and I bring for you a list of some of our plans for future versions

Brazuka V2:

-For Brazil we will continue with our initial plan, complete Series D and start our dreamed Series E, in addition to adding several states, there will be about 100 new Brazilian teams, maybe more;
-Still in Brazil we continue with our plan to add the U-20 Serie A, with the Copa do Brasil and in the future who knows, expand even more;
-Now comes the news, ready? So, in addition to completing the South American leagues, Russia’s and Greece’s we’re going to add other leagues, so expect to see, if all goes well, the Qatar league, Serie B Italy, Czech Republic league, 5th Division From England for you to do that monster Career Mode and several (And when I speak several are several, about 40 teams or more) other Asian, European and African teams;

Brazuka V3:
-Did you think we added a lot of things in V2? So listen to what we are preparing for you at V3;
-First in Brazil you can expect many, but many teams, when I speak many I want to speak of 300 or more teams, that's right you didn't read it wrong or are going crazy, we want to add more than 300 teams if everything goes well;
-There are also those teams that we will add to create their leagues in the future, you can expect many teams from outside Brazil to come there;
-Did you think there would be no new leagues? Well, look at some that we are preparing: Second and third division of Argentina, second division of Portugal, Ukrainian league, Cyprus league, Northern Ireland league, Croatia league and if you have some more time;

Brazuka V4:
-We do not know how we will be in relation to the time for Fifa 22, but we want to arrive at least in this V4;
-This time we are going to take care of the Brazilian teams, until we get here we will have almost 600 servants already, but we still want to add some more lost there;
-Let's go with the Brazilian teams, but not the leagues, there are many leagues, some of which are India, United Arab Emirates, Bulgaria, Israel, Tunisia, Honduras, 4th German division and other leagues;

Important: As I always say, they are plans, they can go wrong, in addition to these leagues that I mentioned there are several others that we are already planning to do but I will not say everything here so as not to lose grace, these can go wrong, everything depends on the FIFA limit, nobody knows what the limit is but everyone knows that there is, let's be the first to find out.
Our plans are huge, we need help, as I said, you can help by working with us and if you can help by our patreon, our plans are very expensive so any help is important


Club Supporter
Hello, the first version of the patch is very close to launch, and I bring for you a list of some of our plans for future versions

Brazuka V2:

-For Brazil we will continue with our initial plan, complete Series D and start our dreamed Series E, in addition to adding several states, there will be about 100 new Brazilian teams, maybe more;
-Still in Brazil we continue with our plan to add the U-20 Serie A, with the Copa do Brasil and in the future who knows, expand even more;
-Now comes the news, ready? So, in addition to completing the South American leagues, Russia’s and Greece’s we’re going to add other leagues, so expect to see, if all goes well, the Qatar league, Serie B Italy, Czech Republic league, 5th Division From England for you to do that monster Career Mode and several (And when I speak several are several, about 40 teams or more) other Asian, European and African teams;

Brazuka V3:
-Did you think we added a lot of things in V2? So listen to what we are preparing for you at V3;
-First in Brazil you can expect many, but many teams, when I speak many I want to speak of 300 or more teams, that's right you didn't read it wrong or are going crazy, we want to add more than 300 teams if everything goes well;
-There are also those teams that we will add to create their leagues in the future, you can expect many teams from outside Brazil to come there;
-Did you think there would be no new leagues? Well, look at some that we are preparing: Second and third division of Argentina, second division of Portugal, Ukrainian league, Cyprus league, Northern Ireland league, Croatia league and if you have some more time;

Brazuka V4:
-We do not know how we will be in relation to the time for Fifa 22, but we want to arrive at least in this V4;
-This time we are going to take care of the Brazilian teams, until we get here we will have almost 600 servants already, but we still want to add some more lost there;
-Let's go with the Brazilian teams, but not the leagues, there are many leagues, some of which are India, United Arab Emirates, Bulgaria, Israel, Tunisia, Honduras, 4th German division and other leagues;

Important: As I always say, they are plans, they can go wrong, in addition to these leagues that I mentioned there are several others that we are already planning to do but I will not say everything here so as not to lose grace, these can go wrong, everything depends on the FIFA limit, nobody knows what the limit is but everyone knows that there is, let's be the first to find out.
Our plans are huge, we need help, as I said, you can help by working with us and if you can help by our patreon, our plans are very expensive so any help is important
Wow this is awesome. Just wondering, are you replacing FUT teams or you figured out how to actually add new teams without replacing?


Club Supporter
Здравствуйте, первая версия патча очень близка к запуску, и я предлагаю вам список некоторых наших планов на будущие версии

Brazuka V2:

- Для Бразилии мы продолжим наш первоначальный план, завершим Серию D и начнем нашу мечту Серию E, помимо добавления нескольких штатов, будет около 100 новых бразильских команд, а может и больше;
- По-прежнему в Бразилии мы продолжаем реализацию нашего плана по добавлению U-20 Serie A, Copa do Brasil и в будущем, кто знает, расширяться еще больше;
-Теперь новости, готовы? Итак, в дополнение к завершению южноамериканских лиг, России и Греции мы собираемся добавить другие лиги, так что если все пойдет хорошо, ожидайте увидеть лигу Катара, Серию B Италия, лигу Чехии, 5-й дивизион из Англии для вы должны сделать этот режим карьеры монстра и несколько (и когда я говорю, несколько - несколько, около 40 команд или больше) других азиатских, европейских и африканских команд;

Бразука V3:
-Как ты думаешь, мы много чего добавили в V2? Так что послушайте, что мы готовим для вас на V3;
-Сначала в Бразилии вы можете ожидать много, но многие команды, когда я говорю много, я хочу говорить о 300 или более командах, это верно, вы не прочитали это неправильно или сошли с ума, мы хотим добавить более 300 команд, если все идет хорошо;
-Есть также те команды, которые мы добавим для создания своих лиг в будущем, вы можете ожидать, что многие команды из-за пределов Бразилии приедут туда;
-Вы думали, что новых лиг не будет? Что ж, посмотрите, что мы готовим: второй и третий дивизион Аргентины, второй дивизион Португалии, лига Украины, лига Кипра, лига Северной Ирландии, лига Хорватии и, если у вас есть еще немного времени;

Brazuka V4:
-Мы не знаем, как мы будем относиться ко времени Fifa 22, но мы хотим прийти хотя бы к этой V4;
-На этот раз мы позаботимся о бразильских командах, пока мы не приедем сюда, у нас уже будет почти 600 слуг, но мы все же хотим добавить туда еще несколько потерянных;
-Давайте пойдем с бразильскими командами, но не с лигами, есть много лиг, некоторые из которых - Индия, Объединенные Арабские Эмираты, Болгария, Израиль, Тунис, Гондурас, 4-й немецкий дивизион и другие лиги;

Важно: как я всегда говорю, это планы, они могут пойти не так. В дополнение к этим лигам, которые я упомянул, есть несколько других, которые мы уже планируем сделать, но я не буду здесь говорить все, чтобы не потерять благодать, это может пойти не так, все зависит от лимита ФИФА, никто не знает, какой лимит, но все знают, что есть, давайте узнаем первыми.
Наши планы огромны, нам нужна помощь, как я уже сказал, вы можете помочь, работая с нами, и если вы можете помочь нашим патреоном, наши планы очень дороги, поэтому любая помощь важна
Hello, friend, did I understand you correctly-did you write that you have completely completed the South American league, the league of Russia and Greece? all this is in Brazuka V2.

Patch Fifex

Club Supporter
Hello, friend, did I understand you correctly-did you write that you have completely completed the South American league, the league of Russia and Greece? all this is in Brazuka V2.
I already created this leagues, but doesn't have all the teams yet, we will add it after the release of the first version of the patch


Club Supporter
Nossa... parece incrível, só tinha novidade Brazuca assim para o PES.

E as seleções e competições de continentes , Copa Ouro, Copa da Asía , Taça das nações Africanas entra em qual versão ?


Club Supporter
Hello, the first version of the patch is very close to launch, and I bring for you a list of some of our plans for future versions

Brazuka V2:

-For Brazil we will continue with our initial plan, complete Series D and start our dreamed Series E, in addition to adding several states, there will be about 100 new Brazilian teams, maybe more;
-Still in Brazil we continue with our plan to add the U-20 Serie A, with the Copa do Brasil and in the future who knows, expand even more;
-Now comes the news, ready? So, in addition to completing the South American leagues, Russia’s and Greece’s we’re going to add other leagues, so expect to see, if all goes well, the Qatar league, Serie B Italy, Czech Republic league, 5th Division From England for you to do that monster Career Mode and several (And when I speak several are several, about 40 teams or more) other Asian, European and African teams;

Brazuka V3:
-Did you think we added a lot of things in V2? So listen to what we are preparing for you at V3;
-First in Brazil you can expect many, but many teams, when I speak many I want to speak of 300 or more teams, that's right you didn't read it wrong or are going crazy, we want to add more than 300 teams if everything goes well;
-There are also those teams that we will add to create their leagues in the future, you can expect many teams from outside Brazil to come there;
-Did you think there would be no new leagues? Well, look at some that we are preparing: Second and third division of Argentina, second division of Portugal, Ukrainian league, Cyprus league, Northern Ireland league, Croatia league and if you have some more time;

Brazuka V4:
-We do not know how we will be in relation to the time for Fifa 22, but we want to arrive at least in this V4;
-This time we are going to take care of the Brazilian teams, until we get here we will have almost 600 servants already, but we still want to add some more lost there;
-Let's go with the Brazilian teams, but not the leagues, there are many leagues, some of which are India, United Arab Emirates, Bulgaria, Israel, Tunisia, Honduras, 4th German division and other leagues;

Important: As I always say, they are plans, they can go wrong, in addition to these leagues that I mentioned there are several others that we are already planning to do but I will not say everything here so as not to lose grace, these can go wrong, everything depends on the FIFA limit, nobody knows what the limit is but everyone knows that there is, let's be the first to find out.
Our plans are huge, we need help, as I said, you can help by working with us and if you can help by our patreon, our plans are very expensive so any help is important
Please don't skip a Serbian league :D
