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Club Supporter
Hi people!

This online football manager game look very promising! I'll recommend it for all football/soccer manager fans. It's barely starting now, so you'll surely get one of the top teams!!!

the URL address is http://www.manager-mania.com

Best regards!


Club Supporter
I want to show you the game, where you need guess football players eyes by looking only on their eyes.

Game Web Version - http://guessfootballplayers.ru/

Teplo i Uyt

Îïòîâî-ðîçíè÷íàÿ òîðãîâëÿ êîìïëåêòóþùèìè äëÿ ÏÂÕ êîíñòðóêöèé http://www.teplo-yut.ru/

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