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fifa 18

  1. son_of_god

    SonOfGod's Faces

  2. Chuny

    Tutorial : How To Make FIFA 18 Compatible With Nvidia Freestyle (Game Filters)

    First of all: What's Nvidia Freestyle? It's Nvidia's own native RESHADE/SWEETFX - You can check it right here on the Nvidia's official website https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2018/01/07/geforce-experience-freestyle-ansel-ces-2018 - Actually, and by the by, ReShade Developers were hired by Nvidia...
  3. S

    FIFA 18 Frosty Mod Pack 1 Superpatch

    Hey it is possible to make this ( FIFA 18 FROSTY MOD PACK 1.0 – SUPERPATCH ) work for the current version of the game ??? I got this from Fifa infinity http://downloads.fifa-infinity.com/fifa-18/fifa-18-frosty-mod-pack-1-0-superpatch/
  4. B

    FIFA 18 Gameplay Mod

    Please visit https://github.com/linuxfreak90/FIFA18-GPMOD for details. :)
  5. J

    Josepa94's Kits

    Peru home WC 2018 Link: http://ouo.io/yFjkED Pass: Josepa94 PD: I don't know how to change the position of the badge and numbers
  6. A

    Edit Kits

    How to change font or color of kit number in frosty?
  7. A

    Frosty Editor News

    Any news of the new version of the Frosty editor that works with the latest updates?
  8. FrederickDST19

    FrederickDST19's Faces

    Hola chicos, he vuelto despues de tanto pero en esta ocasión con mis dos ultimos trabajos para fifa 18 espero les guste :andrei: Hello guys, I have returned after so much but this time with my last two works for fifa 18 I hope you like it :andrei: :clap: TOMAS RINCÓN :clap: DOWNLOAD :clap...
  9. Adempc

    FIFA 18 Black Screen Error

    Game constantly gave black screen error. What can I do?I tried all the ways processor: Intel Core i3-4005U(1.7 GHZ, 3MB L3 cache) Motherboard: Intel Core HD Graphics 4400, up to 1792 MB Dynamic Video Ram : 4GB DDR3 L Memory
  10. cuhaismail

    FIFA 18 Where Is The Fan Card Folder?

    I want to do FIFA 18 Fancard work but I do not have the fancards folder where it should be, I need help ... :(
  11. Prof4x4

    Career File ( Diego Lugano & Fenerbaçe )

  12. soul_eclipse

    FIFA 17 & FIFA 18 How To Change Commentary

  13. paulv2k4

    Tackling/Fouls - Thread On FIFA Forum

    Hi all. I am pretty sure we all think that FIFA could do with some more fouls and fixed referees. After seeing their latest updates suggesting that they have applied changes to pointless referee issues, I thought we could get them to help fix them all together. Anyway, please find this thread...
  14. R

    Get Frosty Mod Manager To Work

    Hi! I made some new videos about Modding FIFA 18 with the newest Update of Frosty Tool 1.0.3 alpha 4 Here you find the new Video Here is the whole modding Playlist Here is the whole Youtube Channel and here is the homepage Just watch and tell me if you need help with modding - i will make a...
  15. paulv2k4

    Paulv2k4 FIFA18 Career Mod

    ------------------------------- THIS MOD HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED AND I WILL UNLIKELY REPLY TO ANY FUTURE POSTS. THANKS ALL. I will however leave the Git Source files there for anyone to use.! Regards. Paul ------------------------------- Hi all, This is my personal attempt of a career mode. I...
  16. Nuttshell_Man

    FIFA 17/18 The Journey Alex Hunter and Danny Williams faces to FIFA 14?

    Hi, is it possible to convert Alex Hunter and Danny Williams' faces to FIFA 14? If so can somebody please convert them. I don't have FIFA 17 or 18 and I don't know how to convert faces but I think it would be really cool if we get those faces in FIFA 14. Thanks
  17. fujimaru911

    PES 2018 | Leo Messi is Argentina ● Goals vs Skills 2017 | HD 1080/ 60 FPS |

    PES 2018 | Leo Messi is Argentina ● Goals vs Skills 2017 | HD 1080/ 60 FPS | I make videos game tribute/ montage... special PES & FIFA. Hope u like my video and will suport me. Thank You :D ► Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=fujimaru911 ► Twitter...
  18. J

    FIFA 18 Tips

    Hey guys I know with the amount of competitive game modes in Fifa 18 ultimate team: fut champions, seasons, squad battles, etc. people are looking for ways to improve their game. I have some videos that may help, if you want make sure to check out JohnnyTsunami01 on Youtube:
  19. T

    2017-18 patch for FIFA 11 [tokke001]

    --NEWS FEED------------------------------------------------------------------ 30.09.2018 - 2018-19 patch coming: Link ! 3.07.2018 - 2017-18 patch (v1.3) released: Link 21.05.2018 - 2017-18 patch (v1.2) released: Link 8.01.2018 - 2017-18 patch (v1.1) released: Link 24.12.2017 - Fix: Selector...
  20. Koxownik

    FIFA 18 to FIFA 11 Patch [Koxownik]

    FIFA 18 to FIFA 11 Patch [Koxownik] Excellent for fast download and play online with latest transfers! https://www.gameranger.com/ <<< ROSTER from FIFA 18 (21.09.2017) >>> Patch version 1.0 (21.09.2017), contains: - FULL converted ROSTER from FIFA 18 (21.09.2017) - new intro - adboards -...