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Search results

  1. K

    Do players still get tired quickly???

    my players are tired In the formation I play with SC Heerenveen (Dutch Premier League, btw they are the best team in the world :) ) which is 4-3-3, no matter which style I play, my Right Back and Left Back get too tired too quick. Tomas Rzasa is my left back and one of the best players in...
  2. K

    Transfers from Brazil?

    I never said anything bout "no transfers at all". Offcourse you can sell and buy player without having to trade them. I mean, Brazilian League is off, ok, but I have succesfully bought and sold players in the Career Mode so I don't really get what you are talking about. Explain ...
  3. K

    Transfers from Brazil?

    While playing Career Mode with Manchester United (Hey come on, we are dutch, so we like Ruud) I was'nt able to transfer players from the Brazilian League, because it won't even show the league or separate teams. Is this a bug or has this something to do with Transfer Windows so you're...
  4. K

    (l!l)(!l!)(l!l)---!!!Career Mode!!!---(l!l)(!l!)(l!l)

    In my opinion it's not dumb: Training players individual is not a process of 1 week. Just set the training and let them do this for a few weeks and you'll see some results. I would not be logical to set the training every week, just too much work, get it?
  5. K

    (l!l)(!l!)(l!l)---!!!Career Mode!!!---(l!l)(!l!)(l!l)

    No problem juventus, Let me know if the tips help, I'm also still finding out exactly what the best way to coach a team is in this game. Game on...
  6. K

    (l!l)(!l!)(l!l)---!!!Career Mode!!!---(l!l)(!l!)(l!l)

    You poor confused juventus1 :) , Fatigue means if too high, the player needs to rest Morale means if too low, the player needs to train or play or win a game (but that's up to you) Morale basically is the hope they have of playing a good game. When morale is high your team performs...
  7. K

    question about training!!!

    What you basically want to do is keep training your team with condition training, cause they have keep up the whole season. After every game check the last 3 stats on the chart in Team management. If they have low morale >> win games or substitute player on the bench with low morale >> if...
  8. K

    Patch NL

    There is not supposed to be one. Dutch language can be found in the English/UK version of the game, so install that patch... Also when you download via the correct link given in this forum/website you only have to choose between NorthAmerica and Europe. Now that is not hard to do, is it...
  9. K

    Pc-Cd Problems

    When using a NOCD-patch, rename the original executable fifa2004.bak i.s.o. .exe, copy the patched exe to the gamedir and when it's time to patch to a new version of Fifa, temporarily use the original (rename .bak to .exe) duh. Be sure to have a new NOCDpatch for new version (1.1 prob.) might...
  10. K

    CPU defense = INVINCIBLE!!!!

    I know u can slide from behind, but if you don't time it right you end up attacking the attacker and not the ball. Sometimes the attacker won't even fall down and still you get a card, so it's a bit tricky but after a few rounds on the practice field you will know when to use which tackle. Game...
  11. K

    What balls have you seen while playing career

    Looking forward to it :)
  12. K

    CPU defense = INVINCIBLE!!!!

    Good defending... I'm having the same "problem" with AI defense. Don't really wanna call it a problem cause I was able to score from freekick (direct and indirect) and corners, which in my opinion is a good new feature in this version. Now you actually have some control over your player...
  13. K

    What balls have you seen while playing career

    I'll test it for ya! I would definitely wanna test the program m8. specs: XP1800+ GeForce 3 Ti200, Windows XP [email protected]
  14. K

    Season mode

    I guess there is no single season mode. I certainly haven't see it yet. Haven't checked out Tournaments though. Let's hope they give out an editor soon to make your own season.
  15. K

    No 3D crowd?????????

    Now I know what you mean... Sorry that I didn't understand the question right, I've seen the cutscenes with 3d crowd, they''re pretty cool though, just like on television :p
  16. K

    No 3D crowd?????????

    No Totsata, you are not the only person in the world with the problem of "no 3d crowd" since there simply is none. If you were hoping for one, please wait another few years 'till the brilliant people at IBM or Compaq make the home-pc that can actually render 50.000 people in a blink of an eye :) :o