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Bruno Passarelli
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  • Friend, do you know how to make these sock cuts for the FIFA 14 body model?

    Bruno Passarelli
    Bruno Passarelli
    Sorry, mate... I don't. Have you talked to Plaster or VK?
    friend could you send me the shortest model of shorts!
    Bruno Passarelli
    Bruno Passarelli
    Yes, of course! Call me on private and I will send you. Only onte thing though: this version, when players have low socks, there is a black shadow on their thighs (depending on yout resolution quality it can be only at night or at all times). Plaster, the one who created it, said it can't be fixed. The rest it's perfect.
    • Like
    Reactions: tarzan
    no problem friend, I already called there in private!
    thatnks for this tip about adboards..i ahve that as an idea...but i dont know how to append adboards to the stadium model. Can you help me with this? Maybe need to import them as .obj? can you share you adboard models?
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